Arts > Music
Buddhist Music in Mount Wutai
Buddhist music in Mount Wutai is the history-spanning Hanzu traditional Buddhist Music in Mount Wutai, which is the head of Four Famous Buddhist Mountains, in Shanxi Province. This music can be dated back to the Northern Wei Dynasty with Han Buddhist and Tibetan Buddhist music in it, which belongs to the northern system and establishes its own system as the combination of musical artistry and religion, whose tune is classic and elegant. In 2006, it was added to China’s official list for national intangible cultural heritage.

1 Summarize The Development Course Of Wutai Mountain Buddhism Music By It S Character Of Different Dynasty.

Mount Wutai Buddhist music View Translation
Mount Wutai is one of the four Buddhist holy Chinese. The Buddhist music, for thousands of years long history, vast sea, is a valuable heritage of China music culture. This book is the author after years of collecting, mining, sorting, record, and access to a large number of historical data through research and achievements. The book discusses the Mount Wutai Buddhist music from the first day until now the initial, forming, development and to improve the history of Buddhism; Mount Wutai in Chinese Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism music, Buddhist and Buddhist read form and its relationship with music in detail; form, scale, system, plate and music structure of Buddhist music of Mount Wutai were studied in. The book collection of musical instruments and Buddhist music picture the author records collected Buddhist music in Mount Wutai, stretching things all music music activities and Buddhist music, and copy the Mount Wutai Buddhist music with three kinds of original music.
Buddhist Music of Mount Wutai in Shanxi View Translation
During its development of more than two thousand years, Buddhist Music of Mount Wutai introduce many forms like “Zhuandu (to chant the scriptures with languages other than Sanskrit” and “Changdao (to preach Buddhist doctrines and civilize living beings,” and many other music forms since the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties. The most popular operas for morning recitation are Mahakaruna Dharani (a Buddhist sutra containing a spell against lust) and Shurangama Mantra., and the operas for evening recitation is Amitabha Sutra.
Buddhist Music Echoes in Wutai Mountain View Translation
Buddhist music from Mount Wutai has a history of over two thousand years. Originating from India, it reached its golden peak during the Tang Dynasty (from 618 to 907 AD), later becoming a classic representative of Buddhist music in northern China. In order to protect this musical lineage, the Buddhist music of Mount Wutai was listed among the first group of intangible cultural heritage in China in 2006.
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