Military and National Defence > Establishment and Services
The Central Red Army
The Central Red Army refers to the First Route Army of the Red Army. It was led by the Chinese Communist Party during the Second Revolutionary Civil War (from 1927 to 1937). It was the main force at that time, and administrated Central Military Commission Column and army groups of the First, Third, Fifth, Eighth, and Ninth Red Army Groups.

1 In August 1930, this combined force merged with the Third Red Army Group to become the First Front Red Army or the Central Red Army as it was then commonly known.

2 In November 1934, shortly before the Central Red Army entered the Miao and Yao areas in northern Guangxi.

3 The most immediate result was the end of the national armies, and their integration into the "central" Red Army.

Long march of the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army View Translation
The Central Red Army, (First Front Army), arrived in Maogong, today's Xiaojin county in Sichuan, after climbing the Jiajinshan Mountain. The Fourth Front Army joined forces with the Central Red Army. After joining forces with the Central Red Army, the Fourth Front Army was led by Zhang Guotao to go south, aiming to set up a revolutionary base area in western Sichuan province. But the front army suffered huge losses during the fights with Kuomintang troops while going south.
Central Red Army View Translation
Mainly refers to the Central Red Army The Red Army Under the jurisdiction of military, column and red one, three, five, eight or nine legion. Central Red Army
September 16.1935-Central Red Army captured Lazikou View Translation
September 16, 1935 August 19 (Otsugase years), the Central Red Army to captured Lazikou. south of the Central Red Army captured Lazikou 1935 September 16, 2010, Shaanxi and Gansu detachment arrived at the the southern Gansu the natural barrier pass Lazikou of. Three regiments the Kuomintang army Luda Chang Ministry, according to risk blocking the Red Army advance. The same day, the Red Army front storm failed to break through the defensive positions of the KMT army. 17, 2009, the Red Army two even climb steep cliffs, interspersed with the Kuomintang army paranotum the enemy troops defeated in one fell swoop. The natural barrier Lazikou breakthrough, the Central Red Army entered the the Gannan open area, opened up a channel northward Shaanxi and Gansu. On September 18, the Chinese Red Army in Shaanxi and Gansu Detachment vanguard the Hadapu to reach the south of, Minshan County, Gansu Province. The Red Army ministries has Hadapu along the rest. 21, 2009, the CPC Central Committee stationed Hadapu. 22, such as Mao Zedong during Hadapu, ( learned by the KMT newspaper the general situation of the Red Army in northern Shaanxi. Day, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai convene above the regiment level cadres meeting. Mao Zedong announced at the meeting that you want to go to the northern, where Liu Chih Red Army. And announced that Shaanxi and Gansu Detachment under the three columns. The first column of Lin Biao commander, Nie political commissar; ( The second column Peng Xuefeng commander, Li Fuchun as political commissar; Third Column, Ye Jianying, commander, Deng Fa political commissar. 27, the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau held a meeting in the standings rho formal decision as the headquarters of leading the Chinese revolution in northern Shaanxi.
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