Culture > Historic Sites and Attractions
Shanhai Pass Scenic Spot
Shanhai Pass is a scenic spot located in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. As an important heritage site under state protection, it is the major pass in the eastern part of the Great Wall of the Ming dynasty. In 1381, General Xu Da fortified this pass. It was given the name Shanhai Pass for its proximity to Yanshan in the north and Bohai sea in the south. Its landmark is "the First Pass Under Heaven". It is preserved completely as the Great Wall military defense system hitherto. Shanhai Pass scenic site has numerous attractions and pleasant weather. It is a famous historical and cultural city and summer resort for tourists.

1 And you may also visit Shanhai Pass Scenic Spot on the way.

2 Shanhai Pass Scenic Spot is a long history, attractions atmosphere, and scenery-lai, a pleasant climate in ancient history and culture and heritage tourist destination.

Shanhaiguan Pass View Translation
Shanhai Pass is the east start point of the Great Wall, which extends 26 km within the territory of Shanhai Guan city. With the Great Wall as the central line, Shanhai Pass Tourist Scenic Area is mainly composed of the scenic spots of“Old Dragon Head”, Jiaoshan Great Wall, the First Pass Under Heaven, the Longevity Mountain, Yansai Lake, and Shanhai Pass Great Wall Museum. It is a famous tourist resort which has combined the beautiful sceneries of mountains, seas, pass, walls, lakes, cavities, temples as well as joss houses. Shanhai Pass possesses a steep and precipitous terrain, since ancient times, there has always been such high recognition that “the only entrance to Beijing and Shengjing (Shenyang), the First Pass of the Great Wall”. In ancient times it was a military fortress of strategic importance with complete defense system. It is the unification of all the great achievements of the Great Wall, whihc possesses not only the grand forts and vital communication centers, but also the famous scenic spot for the appreciation of great seas---the Old Dragon Head; it not only has the Jiaoshan Great Wall crossing over the ranges of hills of Yanshan Mountain, but also Meng Jiangnu Temple which contains rich folk tales. The Ming Great Wall traverses the vast blue sea and gold sand from east to west, and runs through the ranges of hills of Yanshan mountain from north to south; while Shanhai Pass takes hold of the steep passes of the mountain, and grabs the vital communication centers on the land, making it a strong and powerful barrier for the capital area and the throat of the west part of Liao Dynasty. In spite of 600 years’ weathering, it still keeps its original grandness and majesty. There are a great number of cultural relics inside and outside of the Shanhai Guan city, such as the autographs of emperor Kangxi and Qianlong on the Old Dragon Head Chenghai Pavilion, the Great Wall cultural relics displayed in Shanhai Pass Great Wall Museum, which is the embodiment of grandness of the Great Wall with a history of 2,000 years and extends for more than 100,000 li. The Longevity Mountain within Shanhai Pass scenic spot enjoys charming and gentle natural views with clear and winding waters. All the architectures, sculptures and calligraphies among the mountain reflect a uniform theme of longevity, including the original handwritings of famous calligraphers and the grottoes of the highly skilled doctors; Yansai lake unites to a greater extent the steepness of the Three Gorges and the grace of the Guilin Scenery; the 18 famous scenes sprinkle on the lake area, together with clear waters, birds’ sweets songs as well as the steep and precipitous cliffs, they have formed a unique natural landscape.
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山海关第十届大樱桃文化旅游节开幕 View Translation
又是一年樱桃红,枝繁果硕喜相迎。7日,山海关第十届大樱桃文化旅游节在秦皇岛市山海关区石河镇樱桃沟开幕。 在6月7日至6月30日的20多天里,20余项精彩主题活动将陆续登场。动漫迷可以在开幕式的Cosplay动漫秀上一饱眼福,拍客可以在“樱桃情缘”微电影、创意广告片评选中展示自己的创意,美食家可以在吃大樱桃比赛中大显身手,微达人可以在微信评选“寻找最大樱桃”之大樱桃采摘之旅中自由徜徉,科普君可以在大樱桃科普展出及科普养生讲座活动中充足电。同时,“最美樱桃人”、“十佳大樱桃科技人才”、“樱桃大王”、“十佳大樱桃采摘园”、“大樱桃节Logo创意设计和大樱桃雕塑创意设计大赛”、“‘樱桃•印象’大樱桃书画摄影大赛”、“‘樱之韵’大樱桃文学艺术创作”等评比活动也为大樱桃节增添无限亮点。 据了解,2015年,山海关区还在全区建立樱桃蜜蜂授粉与绿色防控技术应用示范区,首次推广大樱桃蜜蜂授粉技术示范面积3000亩,核心示范区300亩,试验示范区5-10亩,集成蜜蜂授粉与樱桃病虫害绿色防控技术,实现全程绿色防控和科学安全用药,优化果实口感。 山海关区还注重引进大樱桃储藏保鲜和加工生产技术,延长大樱桃的保鲜期,使游客在冬季也能品尝到山海关大樱桃。为做大做强大樱桃产业,近年来,山海关区在引种、培育、销售、储运、精深加工、品牌培育等各个环节上做足功夫。2001年9月,山海关区被国家林业局命名为“中国樱桃之乡”;2008年12月,山海关大樱桃被中国绿色食品发展中心认定为绿色食品A级产品。2017年中国樱桃年会将在山海关举办,助推大樱桃产业的上档升级。已连续成功举办九届的大樱桃节,现已发展成为远近闻名的特色乡村旅游节庆品牌。 山海关北依燕山,南临渤海,纬度在39°N—40°N之间,土壤微酸,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,极适合大樱桃生长繁育。区内自1985年开始引进栽植大樱桃,至今已有30年的历史。目前,全区大樱桃栽培面积已达3.2万亩,结果面积2.5万亩,年产量超2万吨,年产值达3亿元。区内主要栽培红灯、意大利早红、美早、砂蜜豆、黄香蕉、拉宾斯、滨库等20多个品种的大樱桃,栽植范围覆盖3个镇53个村,1.1万余农户。
秦皇岛:汲取山海关景区教训 重塑旅游形象品牌 View Translation
昨日(10月18日)秦皇岛全市旅游市场整改提升工作现场会在山海关召开,会议分析当前旅游市场存在问题,安排部署下步整改工作。秦皇岛市市长张瑞书出席会议并讲话。 张瑞书指出,全市上下要认真汲取“山海关5A级景区资质被取消”的沉痛教训,将其作为推动全市旅游行业转型升级的契机,以良好的精神状态和创新的工作举措,开展好旅游行业整改提升和旅游市场秩序整治专项行动,着力提升旅游服务质量、规范旅游市场秩序,重塑我市旅游形象和品牌。 张瑞书强调,要着眼长远,加快建立规范旅游市场秩序的长效机制。要坚持标准化引领,积极推广旅游服务和产品认证,全面提升景区管理水平;要强化宣传引导,大力宣传旅游新风尚、正能量,宣传景区在整改提升中的新变化、新风貌,挽回秦皇岛旅游的良好声誉;要创新监管方式,采取有效措施,斩断利益链条、杜绝内外勾结,实现旅游经济持续健康发展;要加强行业自律,促使旅游企业牢固树立依法经营、诚信经营理念,切实维护公平竞争的市场环境。 现场会上,秦皇岛市旅游局汇报了全市旅游市场自查整改情况,山海关区政府作了表态发言。张瑞书代表市政府分别与各县区政府、北戴河新区管委会及市直有关部门签订了责任状。会议现场印发了《全市旅游行业整改提升及旅游市场秩序整治专项行动方案》。
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