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Ancestral Shrine
An ancestral shrine, hall, or lineage temple is a place where ancestors are worshipped and offered sacrifices. The shrine is used to place the memorial tablets of the ancestors of a family and for rituals or family affairs. It is considered an important component of Confucian Culture. The ancestral shrine originates from the Zhou Dynasties and was promoted in the Song Dynasty by the renowned scholar Zhu Xi. It signifies the fact that the family and the country was an integrated whole in the patriarchal clan system in ancient China. Ancestral shrines are usually among the grandest and most magnificent buildings in urban and rural areas.
Chinese boys selected for Turandot

The filmmaker Zhang Yimou and choreographer Chen Weiya were the two main creators of the opening ceremony for last year's Olympic games here in Beijing. The dynamic duo have paired up again to design a spectacular version of the opera "Turandot" that will be performed at the Bird's Nest. Last weekend, an audition was held for the role of a Chinese boy in the opening scene. Chinese boys selected for Turandot The four finalists competing for the role ranged in age from three to ten. Some of them were nervous at the audition. But actually, by this point, they had already survived a month-long preliminary selection process that eliminated hundreds of thousands of candidates from around China. At Saturday's final round, the four boys displayed their best stuff, including folk dance, kungfu performance, drum beating, and singing. Finally, Ma Chenyu from Tianjin and Yao Jiahao from Beijing won the role. Over the weeks to come, they will go through special coaching, before appearing in the epic opera. Zhang Yimou, the chief director of the Bird's Nest edition of Turandot, made a global sensation when he brought the Italian operatic masterpiece to the Ancestral Shrine in the Forbidden City about a decade ago. Editor: Guo Changdong Source: CCTV


Guanyu (AD160-219), also named Yunchang, was born in the modern-day village of Changping near the city of Yuncheng, Shanxi province and is referred to as Emperor Guan. The Guan Gong Temple, in the town of Xiezhou is the largest temple of its kind in the world and is on China’s historical protection list. On Nov 17, 2012, it entered the world cultural heritage tentative list, along with some Guangyu architecture. Guanyu is popularly worshiped by the Chinese people, in different sects and is called the god of war by the common folk, with great influence in China and abroad. Statistics show that Taiwan alone has thousands of Guan Gong Temples. Around the world there are more than 300,000 of these temples, from the United States to Japan, Singapore and Thailand. The temple in Xiezhou covers a 73,000-square–meter area. In addition to being a national historical heritage site it is a national AAAA scenic area and one of Shanxi’s top 10 scenic areas. It is China’s largest and earliest Guan Gong Temple and consists of three parts: a Xiezhou Ancestral Shrine, Changping Emperor Guan Ancestral Temple, and Changping Emperor Guan Ancestral Mausoleum. An Emperor Guan Imperial Garden has been restored as a classical garden in the northern China architectural style. The Guan Gong spirit represents ruling class values and he is seen as the epitome of loyalty and righteousness, as well as a patron saint of wealth. But Guan Gong worship is intended to respect moral principles, loyalty, righteousness and courage.

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“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。”想必南宋著名爱国诗人文天祥留下的千古绝唱,大家都耳熟能详;关于这位忠肝义胆的爱国诗人的传奇故事,相信也是妇孺皆知。文天祥在南宋危亡之际,官居宰相,举义倡勇,扶颠持危,慷慨尽节,人民视其为民族英雄,时人赞之为“名相烈士,合为一传,三千年间,人不两见”,其事迹足以彪炳千古。后人为纪念和歌颂文天祥的忠肝义胆,建立了文氏大宗祠,并于2003年被宝安区人民政府列为区级文物保护单位。 文氏大宗祠位于宝安区松岗街道东方社区东方大村三巷。文氏大宗祠始建于明洪武年间,清朝中晚期,族人曾对宗祠进行过修葺,现存建筑主体风格具有鲜明的岭南特色。其实,早在元朝时期,深圳凤凰山的凤凰岩就是文天祥的祭祀之地,因为形势所逼,不能张扬,文氏子孙只能借着祭拜观音的名义,来暗中祭祀文天祥。直到明朝,文氏宗族祭祀才由暗到明,传承至今。 为纪念和歌颂先祖文天祥的忠肝义胆,深圳文氏家族每年都要举行隆重的祭祀仪式,将文天祥忠国、爱家的情怀代代薪火相传。2001年11月,“七房”后裔代表(包括宝安、东莞地区文氏长老、香港文氏宗亲总会、旅居海外的文氏宗亲等)达成共识,筹集资金修缮宗祠。修缮后的宗祠除保持宗祠的功用外,同时也被辟为“文天祥纪念馆”。在宗祠前的广场上树立文天祥的全身高大雕像,大门两侧树立“宋廷柱石,文庙馨香”的对联,把文天祥《过零丁洋》的千古绝唱“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”,以金字镌刻成对联挂在正堂前面的两根石柱上。左右两侧的墙壁上,一侧镶嵌用花岗岩镌刻的《正气歌》,另一侧镶嵌文氏“七房”的起源与发展变迁。 文氏大宗祠为三开间三进深布局,面阔13.7米,进深30米,占地面积415平方米,砖木结构,砖墙下部用红条石垒砌,木梁上有雕饰,整体风格简洁朴实。前堂大门两侧设有塾台,门上石匾刻有“文氏大宗祠”,门下有高大门枕石,门内有一扇屏风。前后出檐廊,檐板皆有花卉人物瑞兽图案,廊梁架的结点上雕有动物、人物、花草的驼墩、斗拱和圆斗状瓜柱。天井两侧设亭台式廊坊。中堂为硬山屋顶,琉璃瓦剪边,镬耳式山墙。中堂后部有两道加墙,照推理,应该是文氏族人祭祀祈福、议理公事的地方,中堂后墙两侧各有一道边门通向后堂。据了解,文氏大宗祠于2003年被宝安区人民政府列为区级文物保护单位。 宝安日报记者 赵盼盼 通讯员 赵连雪 文

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1 Zhang Yimou, the chief director of the Bird's Nest edition of Turandot, made a global sensation when he brought the Italian operatic masterpiece to the Ancestral Shrine in the Forbidden City about a decade ago.

2 The temple in Xiezhou covers a 73,000-square–meter area. In addition to being a national historical heritage site it is a national AAAA scenic area and one of Shanxi’s top 10 scenic areas. It is China’s largest and earliest Guan Gong Temple and consists of three parts: a Xiezhou Ancestral Shrine, Changping Emperor Guan Ancestral Temple, and Changping Emperor Guan Ancestral Mausoleum. An Emperor Guan Imperial Garden has been restored as a classical garden in the northern China architectural style.