Literature >Novels
Call To Arms
Call To Arms is a collection of fourteen short stories from 1918 to 1922 written by Lu Xun. Through depicting the real social life from "the Revolution of 1911" to "the May 4th Movement", it reveals various deep-rooted social conflicts, and profoundly analyzes and completely negates the old system of China and some of the outdated traditional views. Besides, this book shows a deep sense of urgency for the nation’s survival and a strong hope for social revolution. As a symbol of both the beginning and the maturity of Chinese modern novels, it sets a precedent for modern realist literature and establishes Lu Xun’s status in the history of both modern Chinese literature and modern culture.
Chinese classics listed into gaokao test range

An illustration for the 2017 national college entrance exam (gaokao) in Beijing was published recently, which included six literary works in the scope of the exam. The Chinese classics A Dream of Red Mansions, Call to Arms, The Border Town, Red Crag and Ordinary World, and world classic The Old Man and the Sea were specifically highlighted in the illustration that they will be tested in the big exam. Staff from the Beijing Education Examinations Authority said that the move was to urge students to really read classic literature and improve their reading capability and comprehension. Some netizens support the move, saying that the internet has made people's reading fragmented, and that the move will help foster teenagers' good habits of deep reading. Others doubt that the students can find extra time to read these classics, as they already shoulder a heavy reading burden. Meanwhile, some even worry that test questions related to the classics will emerge and the students will memorize them to score high, without truly understanding the essense of the passages. As the stipulation has been published, experts advise that the question types should be flexible and the standard answer shall not be applied, with the assessment focusing on students' overall linguistic organization skill, writing skill and expression skill.

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新版《呐喊》《彷徨》上市 陈丹青称鲁迅作品不是古书

京华时报讯(记者田超)由果麦文化策划推出的新版《呐喊》《彷徨》,近日正式上市。这两部小说集编辑李靓表示,新版不仅邀请青年画家慕容引刀创作了二十四幅版画插图,还有陈丹青为新版撰写的读后记长文。 “鲁迅是我们中学课本里最常见的名字,不过现在很多年轻人对鲁迅的印象停留于那幅刻板的肖像画。”编辑李靓说,前段时间她发现有一条“长大后才发现鲁迅的文字是那么深刻”的微博转发量达到4万多条,有不少80后、90后留言,让人看着很感动。 李靓说:“在经过学生时代的过度解释与追捧之后,我们不得不承认,我们一度对鲁迅与他的作品不以为然,甚至是反感的。在经历一段真空期后,当鲁迅的文字再度被拿到台面上,我们又不得不承认,那独特犀利的见解、那剑指轩辕的气魄、嬉笑怒骂式的批判让我们震惊。他的呐喊实实在在。” 陈丹青是鲁迅的一位推崇者。他认为,鲁迅小说遭遇的冷落是它们问世以来未曾有过的现象。他说:“《呐喊》《彷徨》不是古书。当我亲见周家的儿孙,我确认鲁迅不是封面的侧影。新版的阿Q与假洋鬼子、新版的孔乙己和夏瑜、新版的祥林嫂和子君,其实仍然活着,并非是旧书中的鬼魅。”

新版《呐喊》《彷徨》上市 陈丹青称鲁迅作品不是古书

京华时报讯(记者田超)由果麦文化策划推出的新版《呐喊》《彷徨》,近日正式上市。这两部小说集编辑李靓表示,新版不仅邀请青年画家慕容引刀创作了二十四幅版画插图,还有陈丹青为新版撰写的读后记长文。 “鲁迅是我们中学课本里最常见的名字,不过现在很多年轻人对鲁迅的印象停留于那幅刻板的肖像画。”编辑李靓说,前段时间她发现有一条“长大后才发现鲁迅的文字是那么深刻”的微博转发量达到4万多条,有不少80后、90后留言,让人看着很感动。 李靓说:“在经过学生时代的过度解释与追捧之后,我们不得不承认,我们一度对鲁迅与他的作品不以为然,甚至是反感的。在经历一段真空期后,当鲁迅的文字再度被拿到台面上,我们又不得不承认,那独特犀利的见解、那剑指轩辕的气魄、嬉笑怒骂式的批判让我们震惊。他的呐喊实实在在。” 陈丹青是鲁迅的一位推崇者。他认为,鲁迅小说遭遇的冷落是它们问世以来未曾有过的现象。他说:“《呐喊》《彷徨》不是古书。当我亲见周家的儿孙,我确认鲁迅不是封面的侧影。新版的阿Q与假洋鬼子、新版的孔乙己和夏瑜、新版的祥林嫂和子君,其实仍然活着,并非是旧书中的鬼魅。”

Knowledge Graph

1 The Chinese classics A Dream of Red Mansions, Call to Arms, The Border Town, Red Crag and Ordinary World, and world classic The Old Man and the Sea were specifically highlighted in the illustration that they will be tested in the big exam.

2 The Chinese classics A Dream of Red Mansions, Call to Arms, The Border Town, Red Crag and Ordinary World, and world classic The Old Man and the Sea were specifically highlighted in the illustration that they will be tested in the big exam.

3 The Chinese classics A Dream of Red Mansions, Call to Arms, The Border Town, Red Crag and Ordinary World, and world classic The Old Man and the Sea were specifically highlighted in the illustration that they will be tested in the big exam.