Culture >Dialects
Northern Min Chinese
The language of the Northern Min is mainly spoken in northern Fujian Province, in a place that was known as Jianzhou in ancient times. About 2 million speakers of the language are spread over nearly 20 thousand square kilometers. It originates from the Qin Dynasty, and is one of the earliest Min Languages developed from ancient Chinese. A variety of phonetic characteristics, Chinese vocabulary, and sentence construction have been retained to this day.
Fujian opens doors to investors

Province expected to benefit thanks to its role in national economic plan, Han Tianyang reports. With one of the most robust economies in China's eastern coastal areas, Fujian province has great potential for investors and enterprises looking to expand, local officials said. It ranks the fifth among the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions on the mainland in terms of the opening-up index formulated by the International Cooperation Center under the National Development and Reform Commission. Fujian opens doors to investors A number of well-known foreign companies have invested in Fujian and become important partners for local development. They include ABB, Boeing, Daimler, Dell, Exxon Mobil, Hitachi, LG, Phillips, Anheuser-Busch InBev and Walmart. Fujian opens doors to investors Like Fuzhou, capital of Fujian province, every city in Fujian is now equipped with international hospitals and schools as well as modern shopping and leisure facilities. Fujian has made great progress in implementing opening-up policies and attracting trade and investment. Photos provided to China Daily Fujian opens doors to investors As a 5A national resort, Wuyi Mountain in Fujian has the largest area of subtropical forests in the world. Serving as a vital link that connects the mainland with Taiwan and Southeast Asia, the province now has economic relationships with more than 200 countries and regions in the world. "Globally, China is one of the most competitive emerging markets; in the country, Fujian is one of the regions with the most growth potential," said local officials. Over the past decades, the central government has prioritized the development of its West Straits Economic Zone, the majority of which lies in Fujian. Recently, the government released a slew of plans and proposals for various pilot regions across Fujian and extended many favorable policies that have created bright prospects for the province. Last year, the GDP of Fujian reached nearly $318 billion, an annual increase of 11.4 percent. According to projections in the local government's 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15), its GDP will increase to about $397 billion by 2015 and surpass $630 billion by 2020. Industrial boom Relying on its surging economy and solid industrial base, Fujian is now among the top investment destinations for foreign firms in various sectors, local officials said. It has three pillar industries, including electronic information, machinery equipment and petrochemicals. Major electronic information products made in the province include flat-panel displays, light-emitting diodes and integrated circuits. Fujian is also a traditional manufacturing base for ships, automobiles, machinery, electronics and environmental protection equipment. Fujian opens doors to investors Quangang and Gulei in Fujian are important petrochemical bases with a complete industrial chain that covers all parts of the process, from refinery to chemical engineering. Local officials said Fujian will continue efforts to upgrade its pillar industries by introducing leading enterprises, developing auxiliary businesses and improving the industrial chains. Meanwhile, more efforts will be done to bolster emerging sectors like the marine economy, biological and medical industry as well as modern services, such as logistics, commerce and finance. To attract more investment, the local government of Fujian has also improved infrastructure, especially transport. For example, it has constructed an advanced system of high-speed railways. Some 95 percent of the province's counties will soon have access to high-speed rail stations within a half-hour drive. The province now has three big ports - Xiamen, Fuzhou and Meizhouwan - and each has cargo throughput of 100 million tons or more. There are 325 container routes in all ports in the province. With airports in Fuzhou, Xiamen, Wuyishan, Jinjiang and Liancheng, the number of domestic and international airlines operating in the province has now reached 218. According to local officials, the total installed capacity of generators in the province will increase from its current level of 38.44 million kilowatts to 52 million kW by 2015. Clean energy will account for nearly half of that. This will make Fujian an important energy base on China's southeast coast. Investment environment To build a healthy investment environment, Fujian's provincial government provides various preferential policies to foreign enterprises, especially those that lead in their industries. The policies include tax breaks, financing, land, R&D support and imported equipment. Compared with other provinces, Fujian has the fewest requirements in terms of administrative approval for investment, local officials said. Every region in Fujian has its own investment service organization to provide foreign investors with one-stop service that covers everything from project consultancy and licensing applications to law and finance. The annual China International Fair for Investment and Trade, held in Xiamen every September, also offers a space for investors to meet and discuss issues. Fujian is not only an ideal investment destination but also a pleasant place to live. With a forest coverage rate of 63.1 percent, the province has been rated first in China in terms of ecological conditions for 35 consecutive years. Local government statistics show that the province has more than 20,000 foreign residents, and every year, it receives more than 1.4 million visitors from abroad. Each city in Fujian is now equipped with international hospitals, international schools as well as modern shopping and leisure facilities. The province's Wuyi Mountain was listed as one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites in 1999. Fujian opens doors to investors The petrochemicals sector has become a pillar industry. Fujian opens doors to investors King Long Motor Group in Xiamen.

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语言是文化的载体,承载着特定的文化内涵。而方言是地域传统文化的载体,滋养和传播着地方文化。不同的方言代表不同地方的发展历史,是一种重要的非物质文化遗产。我国历史悠久,幅员辽阔,在几千年文明史中,逐渐形成了北方方言、吴方言、粤方言、湘方言、赣方言、客家方言、闽北语及闽南语等八大方言区。 闽北语又称“建州话”,以建瓯话为代表,分布在建溪流域,包括武夷山、建瓯、建阳、松溪、政和、浦城南部、南平北部、顺昌东部等县(市、区),以及宁德地区周宁、屏南二县西部边界的小部分地区和台湾小部分地区,使用人口约占汉族人口的1.2%左右。然而,随着历史的发展、普通话的普及和城市化进程的推进,闽北方言的生存空间日趋狭小。在推广普通话的前提下,正确处理、保护闽北方言,可以让更多人不忘记家乡的声音,不丢掉与生俱来的地域标签,不失去一方水土的文化。为此,建立闽北方言档案,保护和传承以闽北方言为基础的地方文化遗产,具有重要的历史价值和社会意义。 一、保护闽北方言的意义 (一)方言是地方文化的基础,也是非物质文化遗产的基础。 方言在一定的地理范围内有其生存发展的土壤和基因,人们用方言交流可以增加地域优越感。闽北方言的始祖,无疑是在闽北生长的古闽越人使用的土语。翻开闽北的历史,早在四五千年前,就有原始先民在武夷山、建溪和富屯溪沿岸生息、繁衍,逐步形成了鲜明地方特色的闽北方言,反映了闽北的文化方式、风土人情和语言习惯,传承着闽北丰富的人文底蕴和悠久的历史文脉。方言与地方的民间音乐密不可分,是地方戏曲的灵魂。如在闽北多地流行的南词戏、木偶戏、游春戏、十番鼓乐,以及流传于延平一带的南剑戏,邵武、光泽、泰宁等地的三角戏,浦城的马灯戏,光泽的马灯舞,松溪的赣剧,政和的茶灯戏等,都是在闽北方言的基础上形成的,在民间有很高的传承价值和影响面,分别被列入国家或省、市级非物质文化遗产名录。 (二)方言是民族的记忆,具有独特的语言价值。 方言是语言的活化石,对于研究古代语言面貌乃至古代历史、文化、风俗等都具有特殊的作用。通过方言,不但可以考察汉语语音、词汇、语法发展的历史变化,还可以根据方言的各种成分来构拟古音体系,了解历史文化情况。例如我们熟知的俗话“活到老,学到老”,在闽北语中说成“食届老,学届老”,反映了汉民族对吃的重视程度,因而生动形象,更具有生活气息。 (三)方言充满生命力,是普通话词汇丰富发展的源泉。 方言贴近生活,比普通话更生动有趣、形象传神,方言中充满鲜活生命力的词语,是普通话词汇丰富发展的重要源泉。闽北的广大劳动人民总结创造了许多谚语,形象生动、浅显易懂。如“烂泥不会扶得上墙”,就是运用人们生产劳动中所遇见的常见现象来比喻没有培养前途、又不上进的人,你再用心去拉扯他,也不成气候。闽北是中原文化进入福建的“文化走廊”,流传在这里的谚语除本地口耳相传下来之外,还有许多各地传播进来而又融汇于当地的谚语、俚语、俗语、歇后语。 二、闽北方言的现状 随着我国普通话的大力推广和“外语热”的兴起,原本丰富多彩的闽北方言正日渐衰微。究其原因有以下几个方面: (一)闽北方言的发展空间不足。 随着社会的快速发展,交流的日益广泛,以及行政管理和政治宣传的需要,普通话成为很多场合通用的语言,闽北方言正逐渐退出经济和政治舞台,多限于家庭生活中使用。据调查,闽北上世纪40-50年代以前出生的人口中还能听到纯正的闽北方言;60-70年代出生的人偶尔说方言;80年代出生的人方言能力低下;90年代出生的能听懂方言但不会说;2000年以后出生的不仅不会说也听不懂方言了。同时,城市孩子的方言能力比农村孩子要差。 (二)以普通话为主流的交流日趋密切。 近几十年来,闽北交通便捷、通讯发达、经贸往来和人口迁移频繁,不同地域的人际交流日益密切。而闽北方言的巨大差异阻碍了人们的沟通与交流。这些外来人口多为成年人,学习当地方言有一定困难,缺乏学习当地方言的积极性,而普通话成为必然选择。 (三)人们对闽北方言缺乏认同感。 多年来,普通话在中小学校园强势推广,一些学校明令禁止师生在学校讲方言。政府在推广普通话活动中,常见“说普通话,做文明人”等宣传标语,广播电视等大众媒体也大力推广普通话。有些人对闽北方言认识不足,认为方言仅是市井俚语,而忽视了方言背后的文化价值,认为方言土俗、粗鄙、难登大雅之堂,甚至说方言者被视为缺乏文化教养,于是人们在公共场合羞于使用方言。 三、保护和传承闽北方言的建议 方言是地域文化的重要载体,是文化存在与发展的根本基础。当前方言的濒危性促使我们必须尽快通过文字和音像记录的方式,建立闽北方言档案,使闽北方言得以保护和传承。 (一)引导社会公众参与方言保护。保护传承闽北方言必须有良好的社会氛围,需要得到社会公众的积极参与和大力支持。因此要加大闽北方言的宣传力度,提高对闽北方言的保护意识。媒体文化宣传者多反映一些地域文化的作品,以激起广大民众用好本土方言的兴趣,为保留闽北方言奠定坚实的群众基础。武夷山市电视台的《悠悠说武夷》和浦城县电视台的《讲古》,就是运用当地方言讲述的节目,对保护和传承闽北方言具有很好的借鉴作用。(二)用文字记录闽北方言。闽北方言作为非物质文化遗产,政府部门应高度重视,有计划、有步骤地投入经费,开展闽北方言的保护工作。积极组织力量,开展方言采集,收录具有闽北地方特色的方言词汇、谚语、歇后语、俗语、故事等,深入挖掘,系统整理,编辑出版闽北方言书籍。发动研究方言的专业人士,开展闽北方言课题研究;还可通过保护地方传统曲艺的形式挖掘方言,撰写闽北方言学术论文,以各种文字记录的形式建立闽北方言档案。(三)建立闽北方言音像档案库。闽北方言的声韵调不同于普通话,有很多发音不能用国家通用的语言文字表述,而古老的乡音随着年长老人的离世将逐渐消失湮灭。为此迫切需要利用现代便捷的数码技术,将老人的乡音记录下来。可以寻找一批方言纯正的当地老人,通过朗读字、词、句和说唱、语音故事、民间歌谣、戏曲等方式进行录音、录像,制作音频、视频档案,建立起内容完备、形式多样的闽北方言音像档案库,把地道的闽北方言系统、完整地记录和保存下来。


台风“麦德姆”或将正面袭击福建,关于“台风”的话题在微博上火了起来。“台风”这个称呼,有很多有意思的说法,很多人以为“台风”是“台湾来的风”,而英文里的“typhoon”竟和“台风”发音极其相似,这是为什么?东南快报记者一一为您探究。 福建部分方言只有“风台”没有“台风” 昨日,网友“阿咪”说,她发现一个有趣的现象,福州方言、宁德方言都管台风叫“风台”。 东南快报记者做了个小调查,发现福州方言和宁德(蕉城)方言中,“风台”的发音类似“轰耐(发第一声)”。而闽南语则有多种发音,有的说“风台”有的说“台风”,如泉州晋江的发音类似“欢胎”,漳州市区的发音类似“轰歹”,但泉州市区的发音却没有倒过来,发音类似“呆轰”。 记者又问了莆田、龙岩、三明、南平等地的网友,发现这些地区的“台风”都是按顺序发音,没有倒过来念。 这是为什么呢?福建师范大学一位对福建方言做过研究的郑老师告诉记者,闽语确实存在这样的“倒装”现象,如闽东语系(包括福州方言、宁德方言)、闽南语和闽北语,这就是方言的一种习惯。“不光是‘台风’会倒过来念,还有‘客人’念‘人客’,‘拖鞋’念‘鞋拖’,‘母鸡’念‘鸡母’,还有‘热闹’念‘闹热’。” “台风”称呼是怎么来的? 还有网友发现,英语里,台风的念法是“typhoon”,念起来和“台风”几乎是一样的。东南快报记者在一些天气论坛看到,很多网友都说,“台风”是从英语音译过来的。 难道真的是这样?又或者英语里的“typhoon”是从中文翻译过去的?1.英文音译说:记者翻阅了下资料,发现英文的“typhoon”,是从希腊语、阿拉伯语中的“tufan”中演化来的,在阿拉伯语和英语中都是“风神”的意思,不是直接指称我们所说的“台风”。但确实有一种说法,称中国人所说的“台风”是从英文音译过来的。 《科技术语研究》2006年第8卷第2期刊登了王存忠(根据去年的资料,为气象出版社社长)《台风名词探源及其命名原则》一文,作者认为,在古代,人们把台风叫飓风,到了明末清初才开始使用“飙风”(1956年,飙风简化为台风)。还有一种说法是,荷兰人占领台湾期间根据希腊史诗《神权史》中的人物泰丰Typhoon而命名。 2.方言转化说(有两种):一是由广东话“大风”演变而来;二是由闽南话“风台”演变而来。 3.“台湾来的风”:有一种说法,根据台风的来源地赋予其名称。由于台湾位于太平洋和南海大部分台风北上的路径要冲,很多台风是穿过台湾海峡进入大陆的。 不过“源地说”可能经不起推敲,因为日语里,“台风”发音类似“daiyifong”,而刮向日本的台风,未必都是从台湾过去的。

Knowledge Graph

1 Northern Min is a group of mutually intelligible dialects of Min spoken in Nanping Prefecture of northwestern Fujian.

2 By this narrower definition, Northern Min covers the dialects of Shibei, Chong'an, Xingtian, Wufu, Zhenghe, Zhenqian, Jianyang and Jian'ou.