Politics >Thoughts and Theories
The Theory of New Democracy
The Theory of New Democracy, whose original title is Policy and Culture of New Democracy, is taken from a speech of Mao Zetong at a conference in the border regions of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia on January 9th 1940. Afterwards, its title—Theory of New Democracy—was adopted when published on magazine. This article analyzed the nature of Chinese society and the basic law of the development of Chinese revolution, put forward opinions of the new democratic revolution and the socialist revolution, as well as specifically stated the directions of the Chinese Communist Party in future revolution and all the programs of development.
Jan 9,1940: Mao Zedong makes a speech on "New Democracy"

Jan 9, 1940: Mao Zedong makes a speech on "New Democracy" On Jan 9, 1940 Mao Zedong made a speech titled "Politics and Culture of New Democracy" at the First Congress of Cultural Association in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border region, proposing a complete theory of New Democracy. Mao Zedong put forward the issue of "which way will China go?" in his speech at the outset and made a clear answer: "We want to build a new China". He said: "We Communists, for many years, have not only fought for China's political and economic revolution, but also struggled for China's Cultural Revolution; all of these aims are to build a new society and new Chinese nation-state". Jan 9, 1958: The "Ordinance of Chinese Household Registration" is promulgated The Ordinance was passed by the 91st meeting of National People's Congress Standing Committee, ordaining that the ordinance shall come into force from the date of its publication. It provides that registration work is managed by public security organs at all levels. This was a fairly complete household registration system, including registration of permanent population, registration of temporary residents, birth registration, death registration, immigration registration, emigration registration, and change registration. The task of household management is to prove citizenship, maintain public order, and serve the construction of a socialist society. The legal form of the Ordinance further standardizes the country's household registration management system. It is an important symbol of the official formation of a unified household registration system in rural and urban areas and an important milestone of contemporary Chinese household registration system. Jan 9, 2009: The 2008 state science and technology awarding meeting is held in Beijing Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President and CMC Chairman, awarded Wang Zhongcheng (Academician of Chinese academy of engineering) and Xu Guangxian (Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences) the highest prize in the meeting.

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1940年1月9日,毛泽东出席陕甘宁边区文化协会第一次代表大会,作题为《新民主主义的政治与新民主主义的文化》的长篇演讲。这篇演讲,经过修改、补充而成文,于1月15日完稿,2月15日在延安出版的《中国文化》创刊号上发表,题为《新民主主义的政治与新民主主义的文化》。2月20日出版的《解放》第九十八、九十九期合刊也刊载了这篇文章,题目改为《新民主主义论》,文内各部分加上了小标题。建国后,《新民主主义论》编入《毛泽东选集》第二卷。 毛泽东在文章中分析了半殖民地半封建中国社会的特点及其基本矛盾后指出:中国革命必须分两步走,第一步是民主主义的革命,第二步是社会主义的革命,这是性质不同的两个革命过程。十月社会主义革命划分了整个世界历史的时代,在这个时代,任何反对帝国主义的革命,就不再属于旧的资产阶级民主主义革命范畴,而是属于新的世界革命的一部分,即无产阶级社会主义世界革命的一部分,也即新民主主义革命。它按其社会性质是资产阶级民主主义的,但又是为社会主义的发展扫清更广阔的道路。因此,民主主义革命是社会主义革命的必要准备,社会主义革命是民主主义革命的必然趋势。毛泽东关于中国革命历史进程和新民主主义革命本质特点的论述,揭穿了国民党顽固派宣扬“基马尔主义”的阴谋,也打破了民族资产阶级建立资产阶级共和国的幻想。毛泽东还提出了新民主主义的政治、经济和文化的纲领,勾画了新民主主义社会的蓝图,指出:新民主主义共和国“是在无产阶级领导下的一切反帝反封建的人们联合专政的民主共和国”,国体是各革命阶级联合专政,政体是民主集中制。新民主主义的经济,实行“大银行、大工业、大商业,归这个共和国的国家所有”,国营经济“是整个国民经济的领导力量,但这个共和国并不没收其他资本主义的私有财产”,“一定要走‘节制资本’和‘平均地权’的路”。新民主主义的文化“就是无产阶级领导的人民大众的反帝反封建的文化”,其具体内涵就是民族的、科学的、大众的文化。 1939年年底,毛泽东曾致信吴玉章,请吴阅读待发表的《新民主主义的政治与新民主主义的文化》一文,并提出修改意见。   1940年1月21日,毛泽东写信给周扬:“文章虽算写好了,但还待汇集意见加以最后修改,还得两三天才能将最后修正稿交你付印,累你等得太久了!现送上初稿一份,请加审阅、指正、批示,并退我为盼!” 1月23日,毛泽东又写信给周扬:“我的感冒还未好,字还要等两天才能写好送来。兹先将文章送上,请付印,清样打好后,请给我自己校对一次。你对此有何意见,仍请阅示,以便校对时修改。前送上的那一份,仍请退还。” 1956年3月14日,毛泽东在会见外宾的一次谈话中,针对《新民主主义论》中指出中国新民主主义革命是从1919年五四运动开始的观点说:“《新民主主义论》初稿写到一半时,中国近百年历史前八十年是一阶段,后二十年是一阶段的看法,才逐渐明确起来,因此重新写起,经过反复修改才定了稿。”


篇一:新民主主义论读后感       《新民主主义论》在新的历史条件下,运用马克思列宁主义关于殖民地半殖民地革命的理论,根据中国历史的特点和中国革命的经验,科学地分析了中国的社会性质和中国革命发展的基本规律,明确地回答了当时中国革命中提出的一系列基本问题。说明在第一次世界大战和列宁领导的俄国十月社会主义革命以后,中国革命的领导权必须属于中国工人阶级;说明中国革命必须分为新民主主义革命和社会主义革命两个阶段,而在工人阶级领导下的新民主主义革命的前途必然是社会主义;说明在新民主主义革命时期,党必须采取既区别于资本主义,又区别于社会主义的新民主主义的政治纲领、经济纲领和文化纲领。       读完《新民主主义论》后,体会最深的是新民主主义的先进文化建设。一定的文化是一定社会的政治和经济在观念形态上的反映。至于新文化,则是在观念形态上反映新政治和新经济的东西,是替新政治新经济服务的。在“五四”以后,中国产生了完全崭新的文化生力军,这就是中国共产党人所领导的共产主义的文化思想。

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1 The new democratic theory is the Mao Zedong 194 January 9th 2010 in the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region Cultural Association of the first Congress of the original speech, entitled "new democratic politics and new democratic culture", contained in the 194 February 15th 2010 Yanan published the first issue "Chinese".

2 In February 20th of the same year in Yanan was published in the "liberation" of ninety-eighth, ninety-nine double issue published, the title changed to "new democratic theory".