Arts >Handicrafts
Painted Sculpture of "Lord Rabbit"
The Painted Sculpture of "Lord Rabbit" is a type of Han traditional handcraft in Beijing. It is a toy for children in the Mid-Autumn Festival, originating from the ancient worship of the moon. Based on the saying that there are Chang'e and the fair rabbit in the moon palace, people make the fair rabbit artistic, personalized and deified, and then use mud to create different styles of the lord rabbit. The lord rabbit possesses both holy characters and secular qualities, and meanwhile integrates the functions of sacrifice and fun. Now the lord rabbit has become one of the most representative intangible cultural heritages in Beijing.
Traditional folk art showcased at Beijing International Book Fair

Two mud sculptures of Lord Rabbit are sold at the book fair Lord Rabbit Lord Rabbit, a mythical bunny sent down from the moon to bring good health to Beijing, is making a triumphant comeback as the Mid-autumn Festival is around the corner. "In the deep heart of every old Beijinger, there is a special place for the Lord Rabbit," Zhang Zhongqiang, a fifth-generation successor of Mud Painted Sculpture of Lord Rabbit, said. "As an intangible cultural heritage protection item in Beijing, I try to integrate the traditional art with modern elements by utilizing different materials and shaping new images for the Lord Rabbit," Zhang said. " Zhang Zhongqiang, fifth-generation successor of Mud Painted Sculpture of Lord Rabbits, introduces the artwork to the reporter. Many international friends will come to the book fair these few days and I hope it can be a golden opportunity for foreigners to know Beijing culture, and Lord Rabbit in particular," Zhang added. According to the legend, Lord Rabbit, also known as Jade Rabbit, was sent down by the goddess of the moon, Chang'e, to help Beijing survive a deadly plague more than 500 years ago.

Old Beijing mud about Lord rabbit

Rabbit first personal, put armor, plug nursing back flag, face gold mud, body Shi painted, or sat or State, or pound pestle or riding beast, vertical with two only big ear of Lord rabbit is Beijing area famous of traditional seasonal toy, mud quality painted sculptures, Lord rabbit is a personal rabbit surface of mud toy, said is “rabbit surface”, also not completely is rabbit face, only mouth is three fork shaped of harelip, other parts more as people face. “Lord rabbit” is old Beijing Festival custom of logo one of, old Beijing, Festival Qian half months, DongAn market, and front door five Archway, and East four, and Xidan, to, are has sale Lord rabbit of stall, assessment Shang erection number layer stairs type of wood frame, by layer increased, above pendulum full greatly small of Lord rabbit, person “Lord rabbit mountain”, for flowers of reunion Festival, added has brilliant color and joy breath. Rabbit ye is the mascot of old Beijing, is also the patron saint of the old city. Legend rabbit ye can give people peace and good fortune. From Beijing when the Ming dynasty had their rabbit ye, to friends and relatives sent rabbit ye custom rabbit ye are safe, sending rabbit ye sent blessing, send good luck. Lord rabbit is difficult to establish the origin of, or at least have been popular in the Ming dynasty. Ming Ji Kun hua Wang GE 賸 version of man in the clouds: “Imperial Festival mud kneaded rabbit-shaped dress squat if people, children of sacrifice and worship. “In Qing dynasty this custom more sheng, Lord rabbit of varieties also more, general image are is gold gun red robe, ranked in black tiger, and white as, and Kirin, body, about of also has Zhang umbrella cover or back plug tents (sound” pour “) flag of, like stage Shang of generals, slammed a see, majestic, look is is to temperament meek see said of rabbit, was endure June more than. Folk artists with singular creation, showing Beijing’s romantic disposition and optimistic and humorous personality. Lord rabbit-themed two-part allegorical sayings, like Lord rabbit stand on his head—-Wo horns; Lord rabbit ears tilted—-mud; Lord rabbit—-a pool of mud in the rain, and so on, it is showing the humorous characteristics of Beijing local language. Lord rabbit is born in the Ming dynasty, the Qing dynasty reached its peak. Generally, Lord rabbit image derived from Rabbit in the Moon, a widely popular legend it is said: for a year, suddenly packed a plague in Beijing, almost every family has a patient, what drug also had disappeared. Moon Goddess see burned incense in the world seeking stories, felt very sad, on the side of the moon to the Earth disaster treatment for people. Rabbit into a girl, came to the city of Beijing. She had gone to another, has cured many patients, eliminating the capital after the plague, the rabbit back to the moon. In order to thank the Moon, to give her something. Nor can it be rabbit, just borrow clothes to wear. So, Moon changed into something to dress up every one, sometimes dressed as a selling oil, and sometimes like a fortune teller … … Is a man’s costume, while women dressed up. In order to be able to treat more patients, Moon horse, deer, or riding on lions, Tigers, went inside and outside the city. Rabbit away the city’s plague, go back to the moon. However, her good image but remain forever in the heart of Beijing. So, people used clay image of the Moon, riding a deer, Cheng feng, studded armor, there are all kinds of workers clothes, wonderful, very cute. Each lunar calendar August 15 day, families should worship her, give her a set of delicious fruits and beans, to reward her for bringing good luck and happiness in the world, also affectionately referred to her as “father of rabbits”, “Grandma rabbit”. Rabbit father in Beijing can be described as is household, so also on derived out has many and rabbit father about of saying and twisters, like “rabbit father of flag–singled”, this is because rabbit father of by flag only side; also has “across years of rabbit father–old Chen people son”, because rabbit father is mud business of, rarely can save to second years, so, if see last year do of rabbit father, that can on belongs to old rabbit father has.

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11月的北京,入眼金黄,尽显收获之意。具有深厚历史文化的古都北京也再次成为了世界的瞩目之地。 作为APEC会议的东道主,中国尽展主场风略,畅抒大国情怀。同时,中国也借此盛会,向八方来宾展示这座东方古城的悠长古韵,向世界展示中国传统文化的精深之美和天然魅力。 灵动深邃的东方智慧、博大悠长的传统文化光芒四射、熠熠生辉,闪耀着APEC、辉映着亚太,为APEC增添了许多“中国味儿”,为APEC会议的举行绘制了许多斑斓色彩。 首先是文明礼仪、诚信和谐、热情友善,中国乃礼仪之邦、诚信之邦、友善之邦、好客之邦。这也是中国特色,是中国传统文化的深刻内涵。作为APEC东道主,我们喜迎四海来客,热情招待八方来宾,讲文明、行友善、树诚信,让各APECE经济体成员真正有了宾至如归的感觉和体验。这便是中国传统文化展露出来的强大魅力。 其次是镶嵌着传统文化的民间工艺,文化韵十足的舌尖美味,兼具东方智慧和现代美感的特色中式服装。它们都以中国传统文化作底色,为APEC增色添彩、闪华耀光。 百年流传的民间工艺,是中国传统文化传承的符号。传承百年的富含文化属性和传统特色的彩塑兔儿爷、剪纸、皮影、空竹等民间工艺,流光溢彩、生动灵韵的中国画卷,工致精美、灵动飘逸的天坛造型,它们都以中国传统艺技、以中国传统文化符号的形式将APEC会场点缀得文化气十足,挥散出浓郁的东方韵味,以文化使者的角色将中国传统文化向外输送,向世界传播。 宫廷气息的京味小吃,是中国传统文化跳动的音符。独具特色的宫廷小窝头、糖葫芦、芸豆卷儿、豌豆黄、驴打滚等京城特色小吃,来自东南西北各大菜系的特色菜品,餐桌上的四合院摆布、八仙过海铺陈,它们不仅给各成员代表们带来了舌尖上的体验、食府里的风情,也带来了一次浓郁的中国传统文化之盛宴。而且,一场外交盛会,本也是一次文化碰撞和交融的良机。 文化编织的中式服装,是中国传统文化演奏的韵律。本次APEC会议,中国为各成员经济体领导人提供了既有传统工艺、又含现代美学的特色中式服装,其根为“中”,其魂为“礼”,其形为“新”,“礼”便是中国传统元素的镶入。各经济体领导人将“中国文化”穿在身上,拍“全家福”,为亚太朋友圈留下了意义深刻的一笔,也为亚太融合发展、亚太大家庭增添了一抹中国风韵。 此外,作为赠送给APEC经济体领导人的礼物大宋官窑陶瓷作品和吴裕泰精品茶品,都是中国传统工艺,传统文化品韵十足。还有APEC工商领导人峰会上极具中国特色的主席台背板设计,会议中心盆栽蝴蝶兰枝叶上悬挂着的红色中国结。“盛世牡丹”、“天宇流芳”、“千手观音”等洋溢着中国传统的文艺表演……处处都含中国元素,处处都有中国文化。这也是中国传统文化的飘扬灵动和迁沿不息。 东方古老智慧精髓、中国传统文化精粹的融入,为APEC带来了精彩、生衍了光韵,凝聚了亚太朋友圈,融合了亚太大家庭。也必会为APEC会议催生出更多更好的务实举措、智慧结晶。如此,才不枉相聚一场,也不怠慢了这个秋韵洋溢的丰收季节。

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1 "In the deep heart of every old Beijinger, there is a special place for the Lord Rabbit," Zhang Zhongqiang, a fifth-generation successor of Mud Painted Sculpture of Lord Rabbit, said.