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Macau International Dragon Boat Race
The Macau International Dragon Boat Race takes place once a year. It attracts thousands of athletes from all over the world. As a festival celebration the event is very popular in Macau.
Macao International Dragon Boat Races to be hold in June

MACAO, March 27 (Xinhua) -- The 2013 Macao International Dragon Boat Races will start on June 8 at the island city's Nam Van Lake Nautical Center, announced by the Sport Development Board of Macao on Wednesday. The enrollment will start on April 2 officially. And last year's Standard Dragon Boat Race champion, Indonesia National team has confirmed to contest the event, the board said. During the three-day event, racing teams will compete in 80 races of 11 groups, according to Sport Development Board. The races are co-organized by the Sport Development Board and Macao-China Dragon Boat Association. The dragon boat race has been a significant Chinese cultural heritage as the celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival and Macao started to hold the annual international race since 2000.

International Dragon Boat Races kick off in Macao

MACAO - The 2012 Macao International Dragon Boat Races kicked off Saturday at the island city's Nam Van Lake Nautical Center, with 138 local and overseas racing teams participating in the annual competition. During the event, racing teams will compete in the 250-meter, 500-meter and 2,000-meter races, according to Macao Sport Development Board. The highlight- Macao International Invitational Standard Dragon Boat Race will be held on next Saturday, the Dragon Boat Festival. Teams from China's mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and foreign nations covering the United States, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines will compete for the champion. The races are co-organized by the Sport Development Board and Macao-China Dragon Boat Association. The dragon boat race, has been a significant Chinese cultural heritage as the celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival and Macao has a long history of hosting the sports event.

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澳门国际龙舟赛落幕 南海九江队卫冕女子组冠军

“2013年澳门国际龙舟赛”经过3天紧张激烈的比赛,12日圆满结束,印度尼西亚国家队及中国南海九江分别夺得公开组及女子组冠军,顺利卫冕。   今年的国际龙舟邀请赛竞争激烈,精彩纷呈。压轴上演的公开组总决赛,由去年冠军的印度尼西亚国家队再战来自南海九江等队伍,夺标大热的印尼队开赛初段稍为落后,但凭后劲急起直追,最终后来居上,以微弱优势力压南海九江,顺利卫冕。   女子组方面,南海九江队面对实力强劲的印尼队,不敢松懈,奋勇拼搏,一路领先,力压对手而封后,新加坡国家队则夺得季军。   澳门行政长官崔世安、中央政府驻澳门联络办公室主任白志健、外交部驻澳门特派员公署副特派员冯铁等嘉宾观看了今天的龙舟赛,并主持颁奖礼。   一年一度的澳门国际龙舟赛每年都吸引数千名运动员参赛,已经成为澳门当地颇受欢迎的一项节庆活动。

Knowledge Graph

1 The annual Macao International Invitation Dragon Boat Race draws not only athletes from Chinese maniland and Macao, but also teams from other counties to participate in the great competition.