Literature >Novels
Rickshaw Boy
Rickshaw Boy is a realistic novel by the Chinese author Lao She (1899-1966) about the life of a young, strong and vigourous Beijing rickshaw man called Xiangzi. His life with three ups and downs reflects the miserable fate of the rickshaw men during the Warlord Era in the 1920s.
Six Lao She stories to make stage debut

It's no surprise that actor-turned-director Fang Xu's next stage production is going to bring more works of Lao She (1899-1966), one of China's most influential authors, to life. It is, perhaps, more of a surprise that instead of adapting one of Lao She's more obvious full-length novels, Fang has decided to demonstrate his love for the author's work by bringing six of his lesser recognised short stories to the stage for the first time. Titled Lao She's Short Stories, the play is based on six tales, written by the novelist, whose real name was Shu Qingchun, between 1934 and 1935: Neighbors, Life Choices, Black Li and White Li, Sacrifice, My Ideal Family and Twenty Notices for Audiences. The play made its debut at the Shanghai Art Theater on Saturday, and will be staged at Beijing's Tianqiao Performing Arts Center over May 19-20. "Lao She was a master of story-telling. With his short stories, he successfully portrayed various characters through vivid and humorous language," Fang told a news conference in Beijing recently. According to 85-year-old Shu Ji, the author's eldest daughter, her father wrote more than 50 short stories and those being adapted for the new play were written while he was teaching at both Cheeloo and Shandong universities. Shu Ji says that the six stories reflect the lives and struggles of ordinary people. Life Choices tells the story of a young couple, who live from paycheck to paycheck, while Black Li and White Li follows two brothers who fall in love with the same woman. Sacrifice depicts the ironies that befall a doctor who struggles with anomie-a dissatisfaction with one's own culture after experiencing a new one-when he returns home from his stud-ies in the United States. "Lao She's language is simple but sharp. The characters he wrote decades ago are still relevant in contemporary society," Shu Ji observes. The play features an all-male cast and will comprise the same actors who starred in Fang's last production, Mr Ma and Son, which was based on Lao She's novel of the same name. Since its debut at Beijing Capital Theater in November 2016, the play, which draws largely on Lao She's own experience when he taught Mandarin at the University of London in the 1920s, has been touring nationwide for the past two years. "The all-male cast brought a surprising chemistry. It left space for the audience to imagine," says Fang, who will debut Lao She's Short Stories by performing in Twenty Notices for Audiences, a witty piece that also relies on audience interaction. Just like Mr Ma and Son-where Fang invited a band to perform live onstage to "serve as a character along with the other actors"-in this new production, he will invite Gao Jianmin, who plays a three-stringed Chinese lute called sanxian, to perform along with the other actors. Veteran actress, Siqin Gaowa, was one of the consultants Fang invited to write the script for his latest play. The 68-year-old actress became a household name in China after playing the female lead in the 1982 film adaption of Lao She's novel, Rickshaw Boy. "Fang is keen on adapting Lao She's works, not just the famous ones, but also the less well-known pieces. He has delved into the characters and his plays appeal to the audience," she says. Lao She is renowned for his style that is grounded in the dialect and culture of old Beijing. So it is no surprise that, as a Beijing native who grew up in the courtyard of a populated hutong (alley), 52-year-old Fang feels a deep connection to the material. "The characters in Lao She's works remind me of my neighbors in the hutong when I was a child," he reminisces. "They are so ordinary, vivid and real. They are fascinating." In 2012, he performed in one of acclaimed director Lin Zhaohua's plays, Five Acts of Life. It was a combination of five short stories by Lao She, and depicted both the tragedy and comedy in ordinary people's lives against the backdrop of early 1900s Beijing. That same year, Fang started his own adaption of the author's work. His first attempt, a one-man show entitled The Life of Mine, tells the sad story of a low-ranking policeman in Beijing in the early 20th century. It was a big success when it premiered at Fang's alma mater, the Central Academy of Drama. Following on from that success, Fang adapted the writer's other two well-known novels, Divorce and Cat Country, for the stage. "My adaptations are to serve his works," Fang concludes. "If I could only do one thing in my career, I would like to turn all of Lao She's works into plays."

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 中青在线讯(中国青年报•中青在线记者 桂杰)为迎接2018年第23届世界读书日,让老舍先生的经典作品在新时代以更多维度进行传播和传承,增进大家对老舍作品文学语言中京味儿魅力的体会和理解,4月14日,由老舍纪念馆和中国国际广播出版社共同主办的“经典恒久远 声音永流传——领读者:段纯读老舍启动仪式暨《骆驼祥子》播讲作品首发式”于4月14日在老舍纪念馆举行。老舍先生的长女舒济先生,北京市文物局、中国老舍研究会、北京老舍研究会、北京市曲剧团、北京市第27中、一零九中学、帽儿校外活动中心、西外附小、黑芝麻胡同小学的领导和其他中小学的教师等近五十位嘉宾出席了此次活动。   老舍先生在《我怎样写骆驼祥子》一文中曾说:“祥子可以朗诵,它的言语是活的。”近日,《骆驼祥子》首个京味播讲版本,已由中国国际广播出版社出版,播讲者是中央广播电视总台环球资讯广播著名主持人、国家一级播音员、京味诵读活动倡导者段纯。   老舍先生的长女舒济听完整部播讲作品后给予了很高的评价:“段纯先生用地道的北京话,亲切、新鲜、恰当、活泼地朗诵了《骆驼祥子》,让这部书活了起来。他的朗诵让我们有机会听到老舍文学语言京味儿的魅力,体会到他语言的讲究,从而在阅读之外加深了对《骆驼祥子》这部作品的理解和认识。段纯先生的诵读让人听得进去,听得懂,爱听,听了还想听。段纯先生用诵读的方式传播着老舍先生的文学作品,我很感谢他。”   在老舍纪念馆这个温馨的四合院,整场活动持续了一个半小时,内容非常丰富:播讲者段纯和北京人艺著名表演艺术家李滨现场诵读、名家访谈、赠书仪式等,最后由北京市文物局局长助理宋振虹女士宣布“领读者:段纯读老舍”活动第一期正式开启,为此次活动画上了完美的句号。   关于领读者活动,老舍纪念馆王红英馆长介绍道:“老舍先生一生致力于将北京话提炼成精炼、干净、通俗的文学语言,力求用最常用、最普通的字和词地道而准确地表达作品的思想和内容,怹作品中的北京话不仅纯正,而且非常讲究,只有读出来,才能让读者真正体会到市井语言通俗的美。我们希望借这个领读者活动,更大地激发出大众阅读老舍作品的热情,和作品产生更多的共鸣。”   据悉,“领读者”活动将于四月底正式启动,活动开始前一周具体的招募要求和报名链接会在老舍纪念馆和中国国际广播出版社“阅库”公众号中推送。 文化副刊部 【责任编辑:黄易清】


 中青在线讯(中国青年报•中青在线记者 桂杰)为迎接2018年第23届世界读书日,让老舍先生的经典作品在新时代以更多维度进行传播和传承,增进大家对老舍作品文学语言中京味儿魅力的体会和理解,4月14日,由老舍纪念馆和中国国际广播出版社共同主办的“经典恒久远 声音永流传——领读者:段纯读老舍启动仪式暨《骆驼祥子》播讲作品首发式”于4月14日在老舍纪念馆举行。老舍先生的长女舒济先生,北京市文物局、中国老舍研究会、北京老舍研究会、北京市曲剧团、北京市第27中、一零九中学、帽儿校外活动中心、西外附小、黑芝麻胡同小学的领导和其他中小学的教师等近五十位嘉宾出席了此次活动。   老舍先生在《我怎样写骆驼祥子》一文中曾说:“祥子可以朗诵,它的言语是活的。”近日,《骆驼祥子》首个京味播讲版本,已由中国国际广播出版社出版,播讲者是中央广播电视总台环球资讯广播著名主持人、国家一级播音员、京味诵读活动倡导者段纯。   老舍先生的长女舒济听完整部播讲作品后给予了很高的评价:“段纯先生用地道的北京话,亲切、新鲜、恰当、活泼地朗诵了《骆驼祥子》,让这部书活了起来。他的朗诵让我们有机会听到老舍文学语言京味儿的魅力,体会到他语言的讲究,从而在阅读之外加深了对《骆驼祥子》这部作品的理解和认识。段纯先生的诵读让人听得进去,听得懂,爱听,听了还想听。段纯先生用诵读的方式传播着老舍先生的文学作品,我很感谢他。”   在老舍纪念馆这个温馨的四合院,整场活动持续了一个半小时,内容非常丰富:播讲者段纯和北京人艺著名表演艺术家李滨现场诵读、名家访谈、赠书仪式等,最后由北京市文物局局长助理宋振虹女士宣布“领读者:段纯读老舍”活动第一期正式开启,为此次活动画上了完美的句号。   关于领读者活动,老舍纪念馆王红英馆长介绍道:“老舍先生一生致力于将北京话提炼成精炼、干净、通俗的文学语言,力求用最常用、最普通的字和词地道而准确地表达作品的思想和内容,怹作品中的北京话不仅纯正,而且非常讲究,只有读出来,才能让读者真正体会到市井语言通俗的美。我们希望借这个领读者活动,更大地激发出大众阅读老舍作品的热情,和作品产生更多的共鸣。”   据悉,“领读者”活动将于四月底正式启动,活动开始前一周具体的招募要求和报名链接会在老舍纪念馆和中国国际广播出版社“阅库”公众号中推送。 文化副刊部 【责任编辑:黄易清】

Knowledge Graph

1 Veteran actress, Siqin Gaowa, was one of the consultants Fang invited to write the script for his latest play. The 68-year-old actress became a household name in China after playing the female lead in the 1982 film adaption of Lao She's novel, Rickshaw Boy.

2 Veteran actress, Siqin Gaowa, was one of the consultants Fang invited to write the script for his latest play. The 68-year-old actress became a household name in China after playing the female lead in the 1982 film adaption of Lao She's novel, Rickshaw Boy.

3 Veteran actress, Siqin Gaowa, was one of the consultants Fang invited to write the script for his latest play. The 68-year-old actress became a household name in China after playing the female lead in the 1982 film adaption of Lao She's novel, Rickshaw Boy.