History >Cultural Relics
Cliff Statue of Huangze Temple

The Huangze Temple, located in the western suburbs of Guangyuan City, Sichuan province, is the temple of China's only female emperor—Wu Zetian. It is famous for the 1203 cliff statues unearthed from the Northern Wei to Ming and Qing Dynasties, as well as inscriptions throughout those dynasties, which are not only of high ancestral value, but also of high touristic and research value. In 1961, it was listed as a key national heritage conservation unit.

Huangze Temple Cliffside Statues

The Huangze Temple lies in the west bank of the West Jialing River in Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province, east side of Wulong Mountain, and is separated from Guangyuan City by the river. The Huangze Temple, originally called the Wunu Temple, has another name Chuanzhu Temple. It is said that the temple was built to memorize Li Bing and Er Lang. In the Zhenguan reign of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), when Wu Shihuo, Wu Zetian's father, was in charge of Lizhou County, Wu Zetian, who later became the only empress in Chinese history, was born here. Then, the Chuanzhu Temple was renamed Huangze Temple. The extant Huangze Temple was repaired in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). It was built according to the physical features of the mountain, which is uneven and irregular. With green trees and red attics, cinnabar railings and painted pillars, it looks simple and elegant, but in fact it is out of the ordinary. The Big Buddha Building is at the highest place of the temple, while the Zetian Hall is the most low-lying. There are other structures such as the Small South Sea, the Viewing River Pavilion, the Five-Buddha Pavilion, and the Lüzu Hall, etc. The statues and engravings on the Cliff of the Huangze Temple are behind the temple, carved in the cliff against the river. There are more than one thousand statues, from the Southern and Northern Dynasties (386-581) to the Song (960-1279) and Ming (1644-1911) dynasties, mainly including the Central Pillar Grotto, the Big Buddha Grotto, the Shrine of Five-Buddha Pavilion, the Shrine of Zetian Palace, and so on. The Central Pillar Grotto, also called the Zhitishi Grotto, is square, and the lines between its four angles join at the central pillar. Shrines are chiselled in the three walls of the grotto, decorated with the Thousand-Buddha images. The sculptures on the pillars and Thousand-Buddha statues on the three walls, with simple and clear outline, reflect the characteristics of stone carvings in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. There are a Buddha, two disciples and two Bodhisattvas in the shrines of the three walls, with full and round faces and bold and vigorous dispositions. The upper shrine houses crouching dragons and flying goddesses. Up the stares along the cliff, people can reach the Big Buddha Building. The Big Buddha statue in it, carved on the wall of the cliff, is the biggest giant stone statue here. The Big Buddha's body is stalwart, and inclines forward a little with a serene looking. The left, right and front sides of the statue keep the arc plane. The two disciples and two Bodhisattvas standing at both sides are smoothly carved. The statues standing besides the Buddha, such as the Heavenly King, Buddha's warrior attendants, the Hercules and so on, are well arranged and seem bold and powerful. Sculptures namedDemi Gods Semi Devilswere carved in the back wall behind the Big Buddha. At the foot of the Buddha, there stands a provider kneeling on one knee. He is dressed in the uniform of the Tang Dynasty, and may be the official who offered donation to build the temple. The Five-Buddha Pavilion was named after five shrines. Among them, the No. 1 grotto is the biggest. The main statue, Sakyamuni, whose body is moderate, wears a cassock over one of his shoulders. The folds of his clothes are thin and smooth. The Bodhisattvas besides the Buddha look pretty, with graceful figures, hair worn in buns. They wear jewel rings, fine hats and ornaments, and dress in fine gauzes and silk skirts, and look slim and graceful. These are the treasures of local statues. Besides, the pavilion is carved withthe Painting of Herding Cowsand dagobas. In the Writing Scriptures Cave of the temple, the inscriptions written by Yan Zhenqing, a famous writer of the Tang Dynasty, were preserved. Besides the statues and engravings on the cliff, the Huangze Temple has other stone carvings. For instance, the inlaidPainting on Twelve Things of Silkworm, which is intaglioed in the wall, describes the vivid process of planting mulberry, raising silkworms and reeling silk in the Qing Dynasty in twelve pictures. They are both special carving artworks and precious materials.

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全国重点文物保护单位、位于四川广元地震灾区的皇泽寺摩崖造像15日起重新向游人开放。   皇泽寺摩崖造像位于四川广元市嘉陵江畔皇泽寺内,是1961年国务院公布的第一批全国重点文物保护单位。现存造像57龛窟,大小造像1200余躯,造像始凿于北魏晚期,历经北周、隋、初盛唐的不断雕凿,到中唐时期趋于衰落,持续300多年。现存洞窟中既有武则天父母所开,也有隋文帝第四子蜀王杨秀所开,还有四川地区唯一的中心柱窟。   皇泽寺博物馆馆长罗宗勇介绍说,汶川地震发生后,寺内建筑受损、墙体开裂、油漆大面积脱落、脊瓦断裂滑落,同时山体南北两段出现滑坡,威胁文物本体和人员安全,因此全面关闭。   据介绍,地震发生两个多月以来,有关工作人员对其受损的基础设施进行维修恢复,并采取相关措施来保证游客的安全,经专家评估,可正式对外开放。记者在现场看到,皇泽寺摩崖造像无损,基础设施也都修缮完毕。   另据了解,皇泽寺此次重新开放后,在半年内门票价格从原来的50元降至25元。


广元古称利州,是女皇武则天的出生地。在城西嘉陵江西岸,乌龙山的东麓,伫立着一代女皇的祀庙皇泽寺。或许你已经听说过,寺中供奉着一座“武后真容”像,但你是否知道,寺后的崖壁上,还保存着开凿于北魏至明清的6窟、41龛、1203躯摩崖造像,其造型之精美、色彩之丰富、保存之完整,堪称中华佛教艺术造像中的瑰宝。其中,尤以大佛窟里的大佛像为珍品。 要看到石窟里的精美造像,需在寺院里拾级而上,走到最高处的大佛阁。一路阶陡路险,行至一处小平台,可以见到一个中心柱窟,因以一根石柱立于中心而得名。窟内雕刻大小不一的佛像,塔柱上也有浮雕小佛像,这些佛像线条简洁,轮廓清晰,是南北朝时期的石刻造像。 继续沿崖拾级而上,可登上大佛楼。一路埋头登阶,至平台处蓦然仰头,高约6米的大佛像站立身前,庄严肃穆,十分震撼。这座大佛窟成于初唐时期,是整个皇泽寺摩崖造像中最大的石刻造像。佛窟呈马蹄形平面,高7米,宽6米,深3.6米。大佛居于中央,形象魁伟,面目慈祥,身躯微向前倾。佛像的左、右、前三面保持着弧形平面,左右二弟子二菩萨,雕造的刀法圆润,造像清秀华丽。此外,两旁侍立天王、金刚、力士等造像,层次分明、强悍威武,后壁浮雕天龙八部。历经多年风霜,佛身色彩仍依稀可辨,透出唐代造像的华美精致。 面对石窟左侧,在佛脚下还有一个半跪的石刻小人,高0.67米,身着官服,头戴唐制双翅官帽,双手合掌跪于大佛足下,虔诚祷告。佛窟里为何会有凡人雕像?原来,这个小人是石窟依供养人的形象而建。一说此“供养人”是被废后的唐中宗李显,为取悦母后武则天而供养石窟,为其母祈祷;另一说此人为章怀太子李贤,因他曾组织文官注释范晔所著《后汉书》,有影射皇权旁落之嫌而得罪于武则天,被废为庶人,后李贤令石工将自己的像雕于大佛脚下以示忏悔请罪。 除了这两座石窟造像,皇泽寺后的崖壁上还有以五个石龛雕刻而得名的五佛亭窟,保存着唐代著名书法家颜真卿手书经文题刻的《心经》等一大批精美石窟造像,历经时光洗礼,这些艺术瑰宝仍静静立于嘉陵江畔的崖壁之上。1961年,国务院将皇泽寺摩崖造像公布为首批全国重点文物保护单位。

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1 Located on the west bank of the West Jialing River in Guangyuan, Sichuan Province, and the east side of Wulong Mountain, Huangze Temple was built to memorize Li Bing and Er Lang.

2 Cliff Statue of Huangze Temple today was renovated during the Qing Dynasty. The first grotto began construction during the later North Wei Dynasty and completed during the Tang Dynasty, for a span of more than 300 years. Now it has 57 caves with more than 1,200 statues.

3 Cliff Statue of Huangze Temple has high historical and cultural value.