Social Life >Education and Teenager
NCEE Migrants
This phrase stands for a very unusual social phenomenon of China. Due to imbalanced educational levels in China, students attended the National College Entrance Examinations in less developed areas to increase their chance of admission to high quality universities. To do this, their household registration must be in the place where they attend the examination, so they must relocate to do so.
China's entrance exam migration does not help all students

The National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) always attracts attention every summer. But it has grabbed the limelight earlier than usual this year, with the "NCEE migrants" hitting the headlines recently. These "NCEE migrants" refer to students and their families who move from their hometowns to regions where lower scores are accepted for college enrollment or higher admission rates are guaranteed. They register for exam there to get better access to universities and colleges. Less-developed regions with lower educational levels have the lowest score requirements because of preferential policies. The phenomenon of students migrating to improve their enrollment prospects first appeared in the mid-1980s and has become more popular in recent years. Yet it has also attracted protests from students in the destination provinces because the extra competition could affect their chances of admission. Local governments have also adopted tough policies banning this kind of migration. It was reported that several thousand students around the country caught out by the migration ban will have to go back to their hometowns for the exam. Such bans increase the costs and risks of exam migration but cannot tackle the root cause of the problem. The use of different admission scores in different regions aims to bridge the gaps in educational and economic levels. But, decades after the adoption of the policy, this goal has not been achieved because most college students later settle in developed regions, contributing little to less-developed provinces. The educational and economic gaps that exist today between different regions are still wide. Exam migrants also argue that it is unfair that students in Hainan Province can be enrolled in a major university, while students in Shandong Province with the same score cannot even gain admission to a vocational training school. Exam migration is a challenge for the educational system in this country. There is a pressing need to make college admission and access to education fair. A single admission standard is not realistic given the country's current circumstances. But measures like allowing colleges to enroll students by administering their own exams instead of the national one might improve the situation. The government should increase funding to education in less-developed regions and improve their schooling standards across-the-board, instead of merely lowering their college admission requirements. With better education, the students there will be able to achieve better scores to compete with their counterparts in other regions. The government should also develop favorable policies to encourage college graduates to go to work in less-developed regions.

Education Forum 2012 was Successfully Held in Beijing

Education Forum 2012 was successfully held by the Unirule in Beijing Jade Palace Hotel on November 23th, 2012, which focused on “Inappropriate Allocation of Educational Resource”. Prof. Yang Dongping, Dean of Beijing Institute of Technology and President of 21st Century Education Research Institute, Prof. Yan Fengqiao, Vice Dean of Graduate School of Education, Beijing Normal University, Dr. Liu Yejin, Associated Professor of Capital University of Economics, Dr.Wanhuan, Associated Professor of Capital Normal University, Ms. Lu Ke ,Doctor of Beijing Academy Educational Sciences , Prof. Sheng Hong, Director of the Unirle of Institute of Economics, Prof. Zhao Nong , Researcher of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,CASS,attended the forum and delivered keynote speeches respectively. Among the audience were students and teachers from relevant educational organizations, reporters, people from the privately-run educational organizations, and relevant governmental officials. Firstly, Prof. Sheng Hong gave the opening remarks focusing on the educational inequity. He believed that per-capita education resource should be equal. However, we were quite disappointed with the existing conditions of human resources allocation. He described the unjust distribution of educational resources as “A greedy hand”. Such kind of system has been culturally accepted. After that, as the chief editor, Prof. Liu Yejin summarized the phased results of the project of “the Study of Efficiency and Justice of Resource Allocation by the Educational Administrative Departments”. Both form macro- and microscopic perspective, he made a lot of data to illustrated the gap between rural and urban areas in education, the irrationality of preventing the NCEE migrants, and the issues of closing or merging the migrants’ schools. As he pointed out, the educational administrative departments would tend to expand its administration through allocating the educational resource, and urbanization and ruralization (de-urbanization) should happen naturally instead of by human force. In the end, Prof. Liu put forward a number of policy proposals for enhancing the fair and effective disposition of educational resources. Prof. Sheng Hong, the director of the Unirle, gave the speech on “Vision and Calculation: Why is the Education Critical?” He pointed out that the partial vision was due to bounded rationality. The capacity of awareness for one is also limited. Then he raised a question of “why homo economics end up choosing to do something which is harmful themselves?” He gave an answer to his own question, people always focus on the “little games” that they are playing, but forget that they are also involved in the “big games” He quote the teaching Confucianism that reminds us of looking at the long term benefits. In the end, Prof. Sheng concluded that education help one to build long term vision, instead of making decisions merely based on the current situation, so that one could be able make long term plan strategically and errors and mistakes could be avoided by this practice. That is why the education is critical. Prof. Yan Fengqiao, the vice dean of graduate school of education at Beijing Normal University, gave the speech on “The Role of Private Education in Education Supply in the course of Urbanization: Based on a Researcher on B City in East China”. First he talked about the problems of educational micro-systems, such as “Studying nearby”, Relationships between industrialization, urbanization and education. Then he quoted figures suggesting the effects of the transfer of labor force on the school children. In the end, president Yan put forward policy advices on how to formulate the accrediting criteria for private schools, how to deal with the relationship between public-benefit and profit-making of private education, and how to keep the advantages of private schools. Ms. Lu Ke , the doctor of Beijing Academy Educational Sciences, delivered a speech on “The M&E System of the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education.” She held the view that the balanced development of compulsory education is in fact to break the steady state of a big gap between schools and to achieve a new steady state of a small gap that we except. He emphasized that governments only assume limited responsibilities for allocation of educational resources; that is, governments should assume responsibilities for making regulations and providing incentives rather than the balanced development of the quality of compulsory education. The title of the speech Dr. Wanhuan, the associated professor of Capital Normal University, was “The Modes and Effects of China's Higher Education System Reform”. He discussed the consistencies of Chinese higher educational reform and Chinese economic system, then he analyzed the reasons. The lack of immediate profit of the higher education and not enough power entitled to local governments by the central government, in his views, were the main causes leading to ineffectiveness of Chinese higher educational reform. Therefore, the basic approach of the future higher education system reform should be strength the release of educational power from central government to the local. Prof. Yang Dongping, the president of 21st Century Education Research Institute, made a lot of charts and data to illustrate the basic situations of the dismantling and merging in primary schools in rural areas, and he emphasized that the dismantling and merging activities were still carried out by the force of inertia. Prof. Yang evaluated the policy of dismantling and merging in primary schools in rural areas, and he considered that this policy had been away from what the policy makers intended, and had caused negative effects on the educational development in rural areas. In the end, Prof. Yang emphasized that the authority should understand the characters of our Chinese civilization and should devised a way to achieve the modernization of rural education which is different form the western.

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冒寄取解、应寄国子监是唐五代举子常用的两种主要方式。冒寄取解,就是典型的“高考移民”方式。唐五乡贡举人参加礼部省试时,必须接受礼部和户部对举人的户籍核查。因此,举子若要到他州取解,势必要在他州重建自己的户籍,方能通过户部核查户籍一关。于是晚唐五代举子往往通过各种关系到京兆府等其他府州寄应取解,其中以假冒洪固乡、胄贵里为籍最为出名,以至后唐特意规定以此乡作为举子冒籍寄应的专门户籍乡。举子为了确保取解成功,还经常利用各州府试在时间上的差异,在不同府州多次参加州县取解府试。一些举子在本贯参加府试取解不成,便跑到他州参加府试,甚至想办法参加国子监的取解考试。武宗曾一度明令“贡举人并不许于两府取解”,试图限制利用诸州府试的时间差、赶赴不同府州进行冒籍取解的行为。但是这种情况一直没有从根本上得以改变,特别是五代举子参加京畿地区诸州府试落第后,往往立马赶往京城参加国子监取解考试。直到宋代统一了诸州府试的时间,才从制度层面杜绝了举子两府取解的可能性。 而寄应国子监取解方式的最大好处就是举子不必假冒户籍就达到了不在本贯取解的目的。这种情况在五代比较典型,由于五代战乱严重影响了举子的正常应举,使他们很难往返于京师与本贯之间来回取解。于是,后唐清泰三年(936年)规定:“其附监举人并依去年八月一日敕,须取本处文解。如不及第者,次年便许监司解送。若初投名未尝令本处取解者,初举落第后,监司勿更收补,其淮南江南黔蜀远人即不拘此例,监生礼部补令式在焉。”(《册府元龟·贡举部》)于是举子借取解制度的漏洞,纷纷设法先入学国子监,从而实现从国子监取解参加省试的目的。 唐代科举冒籍问题出现的主要原因在于各地区政治、文化、经济发展的不平衡。唐代京兆府、河南府是国家政治、文化中心,是全国高官、大儒、名流聚集的中心,拥有全国最好的教育资源。加上中晚唐科举考试荐举、行卷、延誉之风盛行,举子便千方百计通过冒籍京畿地区,交接权要、名流,求谒主司,以求占据登科的先机。以至于“京华之地,衣冠所聚,子弟之间,身名所出,从容附会,不劳而成”(《通典·选举典五》)。

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1 Eliminating registration for college entrance examination of household registration restrictions and implementing in-place entrance is becoming a trend.But the policy may again cause the problems of "NCEE migrants" again, and insufficiency of local high school resources.

2 NCEE Migrants refer to a complicated social phenomenon.

3 The reason of "NCEE Migrants" is the educational gap between urban and rural areas.