Economy >Primary Industry
Agricultural Benefits Funds
The Agricultural Benefits Funds refer to various funds arranged by financial institutions at all levels to address issues concerning agriculture, farmers and the countryside, and includes funds for rural infrastructure , agriculture and development, direct subsidies to agriculture and farmers as well as development of rural social utilities.

Uses of Agricultural Benefit Funds may include, but are not limited to: • Stewardship, protection, and enhancement of agricultural lands within Imperial County; • Tools, technology, and techniques for protection of agricultural commodities or increase of crop yields within Imperial County; and • Support of programs or projects that increase agricultural industry employment opportunities within Imperial County

Imperial County Board of Supervisors Agricultural Benefit Program DRAFT

The Agricultural Benefit Program has been established by the Imperial County Board of Supervisors to mitigate losses to agricultural production, jobs, and our local economy resulting from renewable energy development on farmland in Imperial County. To meet these goals, approved uses of Agricultural Benefit funds may include, but are not limited to: stewardship, protection, and enhancement of agricultural lands within Imperial County; tools, technology, and techniques for protection of agricultural commodities or increase of crop yields within Imperial County; and support of programs or projects that increase agricultural industry employment opportunities within Imperial County.

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日前,记者从全区强农惠农资金使用突出问题专项整治工作视频会上了解到,针对内蒙古强农惠农资金使用管理存在的问题和隐患,下一步,内蒙古全面开展强农惠农资金使用突出问题专项整治工作。 2015年,全国涉农资金专项整治行动中,国家涉农资金专项整治行动检查组对内蒙古扎赉特旗、喀喇沁旗涉农资金的安排、使用、效果等情况进行了重点检查,涉农资金使用管理总体向好,但也存在项目资金使用管理不到位,简政放权不彻底、资金统筹使用不够等问题。 开展强农惠农资金专项整治工作是全面推进现代农牧业发展和坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战的现实需要,全区开展强农惠农资金使用突出问题专项整治工作,既是为实现自治区“十三五”规划目标提供制度保障和思想保证,也是加强农牧业系统自身建设的重要实践。下一步,全区各级农牧业部门要以此次专项整治工作为契机,进一步强化信息公开,将政策内容、资金安排、受益对象等置于全社会监督之下,积极推进简政放权,简化优化服务流程,强化后续衔接落实,加强事中事后监管,大力规范审批行为,推行“一站式”服务,推进标准化建设,建立完善行政许可决策机制,加快建立配置合理、权责一致、运行规范、监督有力、廉洁高效的农业行政审批运行机制,加快形成责任清晰、分工明确的制度化、常态化监管机制,保证强农惠农资金落到实处。

Knowledge Graph

1 Agricultural Benefit Funds may be used to provide financial assistance for projects in many areas.

2 They will allocate agricultural benefit funds to you if you requisition it.

3 Agricultural Benefit Funds is an amount of money that is collected or saved for a particular purpose.