Arts >Opera
Zhuang Opera
The Zhuang Opera has distinctive national styles and profound thinking. It collectively refers to any opera in Zhuangzu and is widely spread in the south of Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region, and the Cities of Funing and Guangnan in Zhuangzu, and Miaozu Autonomous prefecture in Wenshan, Yunnan Province. Its development is based on folk songs, dances and sideshows of the Ethnic Zhuang, and its form took shape in the early Qing Dynasty. In 2006, it was added to China’s official list for national intangible cultural heritage.
Zhuang Opera and Shoulder-Pole Dance

Zhuang Opera, which is also called Zhuang drama, is a stage acting art with a history of several hundred years, developing from various Zhuang folk literature, music, dance and acrobatics. According to its style, it can be classified into South Zhuang Opera and North Zhuang Opera. It can be also classified into Shigong Opera, Guangnan Opera, Funing Opera, Longlin Opera, Tianlin Opera, Dejing Opera and Hanlong Opera according to its different areas, dialects, arias and acting arts.

Zhuang Opera

Zhuangju Opera, also called Zhuang Opera, is the principal opera of the Zhuang ethnic group. It evolved from the combination of folk literature, dance, and spoken and sung ballads. In the past, it was known as the aboriginal opera of the Zhuang people. The opera can be divided into the Northern, Southern, and Shigong schools. Shigong School is popular in the middle and northern parts of Guangxi. The northern school is mainly popular in the western part of Guangxi, and the southern school is popular in the southern of Guangxi.

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人民网田林5月23日电(记者庞革平)5月23日晚,首届中国壮剧文化艺术节在“中国壮剧之乡”——广西壮族自治区百色市田林县隆重开幕。来自滇、黔、桂三省区的30多个壮剧团将在这里举行长达5天的壮剧展演,将展演《孔雀东南飞》、《女附马》等40多个壮剧传统剧目,让广大壮剧迷共享壮剧文化盛宴。 据了解,古老而独具魅力的壮剧艺术,是我国少数民族文化的一朵奇葩。壮剧又叫“壮戏”,是在壮族民间文学、歌舞和说唱技艺的基础上发展而成的。由于地域环境、方言土语、音乐唱腔、表演风格及伴奏乐器的差异,产生了广西的北路壮剧、南路壮剧、壮族师公戏以及云南的富宁壮剧、广南壮剧等分支。2006年,壮剧入选首批国家非物质文化遗产保护名录。 北路壮剧诞生于乾隆三十年,起源于广西田林县旧州镇,上演剧目有300多个,多数为壮族创编剧目,内容涵盖社会的方方面面,一些优秀剧目曾获自治区及全国奖。2007至2009年,田林县曾连续三年成功举办壮剧文化艺术节,吸引了海内外众多专家学者和广大壮剧爱好者的积极参与。2009年,田林县被中国少数民族戏剧学会授予“中国壮剧之乡”荣誉称号后,以“北路壮剧的发源地”为旗帜,提出了“保护为主、抢救第一、合理利用、传承发展”的保护与发展思路,为保护、传承、弘扬这一优秀传统文化,活跃少数民族地区文化,促进各民族和谐发展作出了积极贡献。

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