Military and National Defence >Figures
Yang Gensi
Yang Gensi (1922 – November 29, 1950), formerly known as Yang Gengxi, is a revolutionary martyr, a military hero of the People's Republic of China, and the first PLA hero recognized by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. He repeatedly distinguished himself in the Huaihai Campaign. He was killed when protecting a strategic position in the Korean war at the age of 28. He was selected on September 14th, 2009 as one of the “100 People Who Moved China” after the founding of the PRC.
Decryption ” real man ,” the first hero forces : Yang Gensi troops

NetEase Entertainment April 20 report by the People’s Liberation Army Bayi Film Studio, Jinan Military Region and Hunan TV jointly launched the large defense special education program “real man” will be landing near future blood Hunan Satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV has been released from a few version of the promo, we see six stars in the armed forces and the soldiers ate, lived with the training of the blood picture of the “real man” the first recording of the troops, the audience is full of reverence and curiosity, and Zhang Fengyi, Guo Xiaodong, Baoqiang Yuan Hong, Du Haitao, Liu Hao Ran 6 man while recording “Happy Camp” program live on Shengruhongzhong overbearing shouted “welcome you to join us, even the Red Cross Yang Gensi class”! Thus, the “real man” program to record the first heroic troops – Yang Gensi even surfaced. TV viewers also have the opportunity for the first time in a different perspective, through a “real man” learn more heroic company’s glorious history, spiritual heritage and contemporary style. Yang Gensi even – the first team to hero named company As the six recruits came first branch combat troops, adding Illustrious “Yang Gensi even” is how they want to also think of. It is understood that, “Yang Gensi even” is the honorary title of 20th Army unit of three connected. This connection is Fujian “Lantian riots” in the birth of the Red Army in 1932 company, has participated in the arduous three-year guerrilla war in the south, fire Hongqiao Airport, the Korean War and other major battles in the history of the birth of the nationally known super battle Yang Gensi hero. December 1951, volunteer headquarters to the even named “Yang Gensi even”, which is our army’s first hero named to the company. Came to repeatedly perform outstanding in such a war, in times of peace is Yong forefront of Company of Heroes, and can become one of them, six stars have not yet felt the glory, but their hearts have the slightest disturbed, because they want more stringent demands on themselves in order to be worthy of the title of Yang Gensi even soldiers. “I shoot” shock troops “of the time, there to find out about Yang Gensi heroic deeds, did not think eight years later, he actually became a Red Cross classes Yanggen Si even a soldier, I feel and troops, and soldiers too the fate of the “Baoqiang frustrating” When I told my father, I am now even the Red Cross Yang Gensi class soldiers, he also excited than me, he said the army would like Yanggen Si and countless like a war hero is not afraid of hardship not afraid of death. “ “Real man” full show Yanggen Si Lian style After the outbreak of the Korean War, he served as the volunteer army unit of 20 long Yanggen Si 3 again and again, led the entire officers and men dashing high spirits to cross the Yalu River, North Korea embarked on the battlefield. Entering North Korea, entered the Eastern theater, dressed in thin soldiers first encountered snow, minus 30 ℃ cold test. Yang Gensi active brains, against difficulties, teach soldiers with facial towels snow, the corn bran ripped a one layer after layer after rubbing feet wrapped cold, greatly reducing the officers and men of frostbite, six stars come The first challenge is to project Yanggen Si even antifreeze training in ice water for irrigation, and the soldiers we send out full of male hormones cries, “Compared to the year when the Korean War soldiers endured cold, this is not our What kind of “frost after training they felt like it, and then six stars also visited Yang Gensi Travel Tours Historica before his death, the museum’s collection of more than 1,200 photographs, paintings and more than 2,000 pieces of information, in kind, concentrated land Revolutionary War, Sino-Japanese War, the liberation war, the Korean War and peace-building period through the glorious history, reveals the results of the test of this heroic troops and undergo invasive Lixin Gong under the new historical conditions. To never forget the “super hero” Yang Gensi glorious achievements, set up a “Yang Gensi zone” an important position in the museum, “I think this is a very rare experience, visit the tour Historica let me know Yanggen Si deeds, to understand our company The glorious history and glory now, which for us is a very good actress says patriotic education, if there is a chance, I will want to bring their children to visit their families and let them know we happy life today The hard-won “When the soldiers had literary Guo Xiaodong trip after visiting the Academia is also very excited and thrilled. Heroic warrior spirit nurtured determination of the character, the hero of the Battle Flag guidelines direction of victory, as an early birth of the Red Army in 1932, the company, “Yang Gensi even” not only participated in the arduous three-year guerrilla war in the South, during the war, as a company New Fourth Army a “dagger” in the night attack Hushuguan, fire Hongqiao Airport, battle, battle Huangqiao, repeatedly spectacular battle. In peacetime, they also often meritorious deeds, “512” Wenchuan earthquake relief, Yang Gensi even sinister 78 soldiers face the disaster environment and arduous rescue mission, to overcome difficulties, race against time to rescue the wounded, in the golden period of continuous fighting and rescue 18 hours, snatching back the 76 lives. After the earthquake relief, the company is the CPC Central Committee, the State Council jointly recognized as “national heroes collective relief”; two months after the earthquake Zheng Chen unwashed, even where the mechanized infantry brigade and then northward Zhu training base, Expand the Blues and digital real confrontation, three battles Jie spectacular, breaking his opponent’s eight-year unbeaten myth, the interpretation of a new era, “Civil war”; in June of this year, they are once again drawn by the north, moved Beyond the Great Wall, and the army’s first professional army strong confrontation blue, catch on the athletic field. The officers and men to overcome difficulties, to play to their strengths, out electromagnetic fog, break the Blues array map, gains impressive record. In the “real man” program, six soldiers stars and company also launched a spectacular, thrilling maneuvers red and blue, stars and soldiers in the huge blast of gunfire and adventure onrush in smoke seek a lifeline battlefield environment, the current broadcast commercials are also very excited early exposure, morale exercises scene, the audience for the program in the high-tech, information-based real confrontation is also looking forward to the red and blue incessantly. “Even Yanggen Si” has been on the battlefield at the head, the training company as a pioneer in the benchmark, the upcoming broadcast of “real man” program, six stars will Yanggen Si even at such a great hero of the company through some extraordinary baptism , Yang Gensi even training scenes, military style, the troops will also be real and live daily show in the “real man” program to a broad audience.

Yang Gensi

Yang Gensi (杨根思, 1922-1950) was made a Hero Special Class of the Chinese People's Volunteers fighting in the Korean War. Yang, born in Taixing, Jiangsu Province, had joined the Red Army in 1944 and the Party in 1945. Due to his many heroic actions, he participated in the National Conference of Combat Heroes, which took place in September 1950 in Beijing. One month later, he joined the People's Volunteers and became company leader of the 3rd company, 172nd corps, 58th division, 20th army corps. Yang was killed in Korea on 29 November 1950. His unit's advance was blocked by the overwhelming fire power of a machine gun nest manned by American troops. Clutching a satchel charge to his body, he threw himself into the nest. The enemy -- forty in all -- perished in the explosion, and Yang's unit could advance. Yang died. Yang was posthumously awarded a Special-Class Merit citation with the title of Special-Class Fighter. The 3rd company was known as the "Yang Gensi Company" ever since. The standing committee of the Supreme People's Congress of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) awarded Yang Gensi the title of hero of the DPRK. The DPRK Government built the Monument to Yang Gensi in the place where he sacrificed his life.

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赤胆忠心 守卫和平——中国赴南苏丹维和步兵营执勤纪实 新华社内罗毕8月1日电(新华社记者王守宝 姜博)“我是光荣的维和战士,我宣誓:忠于党、忠于祖国,坚决服从命令、听从指挥,英勇顽强、攻坚克难,爱国奉献、争优善战,为国家荣誉而战,为世界和平而战,牢记职责、不辱使命!”2015年12月2日,来自陆军第20集团军“特级英雄”杨根思生前部队的700名官兵面向五星红旗庄严宣誓,中国第二批赴南苏丹维和步兵营受命出征。 近8个月来,中国第二批维和步兵营先后出色完成各类军事任务2000余次,以过硬的专业素质、一流的工作标准和文明友善的良好形象,赢得了联合国驻南苏丹特派团、任务区各出兵国部队与当地民众的广泛赞誉。 敢担当直面危险 今年农历除夕这天,联合国驻南苏丹10号哨位附近突然传来阵阵枪声,3号难民营外围,两伙手持AK-47的武装分子在距离哨位30米处的十字路口发生交火,哨位正好处在其中一方的火力范围内,子弹就打在旁边的土坡上。营作战值班室接到哨位报告后,应急支援分队火速赶到现场,驱离武装分子,确保了平民保护区的安全。 3月29日中午,1号平民保护区发生大规模械斗事件,局面一度失控。联合国驻南苏丹特派团南战区司令部命令中国维和步兵营派出应急力量立即前出,配合联合国警察和尼泊尔防暴队隔离冲突双方。当应急防暴分队紧急集合赶到现场时,双方械斗已进入白热化阶段,现场一片混乱,参与械斗的多人受伤倒地不起。“跟我上!”连长徐得民毫不犹豫,带领防暴分队展开锲形队形,逐步强行切入混战人群。此刻愤怒的双方仍不肯停手,试图用砍刀、棍棒和石块击打对方。队员们手中的防暴盾牌被敲得砰砰作响,头盔不断被石头砸中。防暴队员们背靠背、肩并肩,始终面向混战双方,最终成功将其分隔开。然而不久后,其中一方又试图聚集冲撞正在隔离人群的防暴队。面对冲击,防暴队员们毫无惧色,变换队形,班长黄勇根据命令果断发射一枚催泪瓦斯弹,巨大响声将人群迅速驱散。4月上旬,南苏丹反政府武装根据协议分批进驻首都朱巴,步兵营官兵每天往返于机场和南苏丹反对派武装营地之间,冒着可能受到交火波及的危险,贴身护卫联合国停火监督小组官员深入反对派营地展开工作。联合国官员由衷地感叹:“有你们在身边,我们感到非常踏实!”为和平流血牺牲。 7月8日17时20分,政府军与反政府武装在联合国驻南苏丹营地北侧发生激烈交火,双方动用了步枪、机枪、火箭弹、大口径火炮、装甲车、坦克和武装直升机等武器装备。子弹在中国维和步兵营担负的数个观察警戒哨位上方穿梭,部分流弹射入难民营并击中哨位的防护盾牌和哨兵的头盔,多枚炮弹和火箭弹落入联合国营地内部,3枚在中国步兵营营区爆炸。 交火伊始,中国维和步兵营立即进入一级战备状态,各战斗小组和各类战斗车辆迅速出动。交火导致大批难民翻过难民营围墙进入联合国雇员区,并有约大量平民进入联合国营地寻求庇护。560余名官兵兵分多路,冒着流弹迅速在1号难民营和联合国营地建立防御并封堵了主要出入口,严防不明武装人员发动突然袭击。7月10日18时39分,双方仍在激烈交火,一枚火箭弹击中正在1号难民营4号哨位附近执行警戒封控任务的105号步战车,导致两名战士牺牲,5名战士受伤。袭击发生后,伤员被迅速送至联合国一级医院紧急救治。而此时政府军与反政府武装正在激烈交火,难民营安全受到极大威胁。官兵们强忍心中悲愤,擦干泪水,在流弹和连续爆炸的炮弹威胁中,继续坚守岗位,未让武装人员进入难民营一步。 因责任毅然前行 战友不幸牺牲,没有阻挡中国维和步兵营继续维和的脚步。告别逝去的战友,官兵们擦干泪水,深埋悲痛,继续履行维和使命。遇袭第二天一早,激烈的枪炮声再次响起。受伤的宋晓辉,经军医详细检查无大碍后,主动要求回到一线战位,继续在难民营执行任务。7月14日上午,中国维和步兵营城区巡逻分队受命出发前往已被政府军全面封锁的朱巴市区察看安全态势。途中,车队遭到武装人员恶语威胁,并被站满荷枪实弹士兵的卡车一路跟踪,其黑洞洞的枪口一直指向车队。官兵们毫不畏惧,沉着应对,最终圆满完成任务,安全返回营区。17日下午,中国维和步兵营接到命令,要求派出兵力将几公里外的联合国运输车队护送到联合国营地。虽然路程不远,但由于附近零星交火仍在继续,安全角势并不明朗。护卫途中,车队经过多个检查站并被武装人员尾随。官兵们保持高度警惕,随时准备战斗,将20辆油罐车安全护送至目的地。 66年前,老连长杨根思在朝鲜战场上,在艰苦卓绝的长津湖战役中叫响了“三不相信”精神:“不相信有完成不了的任务,不相信有克服不了的困难,不相信有战胜不了的敌人”,带领全连浴血奋战,最终在阵地只剩他一人时,抱起炸药包冲向敌群,兑现了“人在阵地在”的承诺。66年后的今天,杨根思传人血性不减,继续以赤胆忠心践行着那穿越时空、永不磨灭的铮铮誓言!

Knowledge Graph

1 Yang Gensi (1922 – November 29, 1950) was a military hero of People's Republic of China, remembered for his efforts and death in the Korean War.

2 Yang Gensi joined the New Fourth Army in 1944 and joined the Communist Party in 1945. In October 1950, his unit entered the Korean War as part of the People’s Volunteer Army to support the communist North Korea against the United States-backed South Korea.

3 Yang Gensi threw himself into a group of more than 40 American soldiers while holding a satchel charge, sacrificing his life and killing the American soldiers.