Economy >Primary Industry
Collective Forest Ownership System
The collective forest ownership system refers to the right of occupation, use, income and disposal of forests, woods and woodland by economic organizations or units featuring collective ownership. To perform collective ownership system reform is a fundamental way to solve dynamic mechanisms of forestry development and stimulate the enthusiasm of the vast majority of forestry peasants and various kinds of social resources in the forestry sector, and liberate and develop forestry productivity to achieve sustainable and sound social and economic development through clearly-defined property rights, liberalized operations and standardized circulation.
Impact of the Collective Forest Right System Reform on Poverty Reduction and Income Growth for Forest Farmer in Mountain Area — A Case Study of Jiangxi Province, China

Abstract: The long term economic growth in China has substantially decreased the population in poverty, but the elimination of poverty is still an arduous task. After entering the new era of poverty alleviation development, most poverty counties concentrated in mountainous areas are the focus of poverty alleviation development, and the collective forest right system reform launched in 2003 will exert far-reaching influence to the economic and social development in mountainous area. This article will take the example of collective forest right system reform occurred in Jiangxi Province, explaining the basic situation of the collective forest right system reform and results, and deeply analyzing the obvious impact of collective forest right system reform to poverty reduction and income increase to foresters in mountainous areas where is strong in resources while backward in economy. This article propose in the last chapter that the poverty alleviation development needs to integrate with the supporting policies issued by state collective forest right system reform, and the circulation of forest land and forest wood shall prevent the occurrence of new poverty due to land losing of foresters. Improving conditions and enhancing quality is the efficient method to eliminate poverty and become wealthy for foresters living in mountainous area. Key Words: Collective Forest Right System Reform, Poverty Reduction, Forest Farmer

Chinese premier urges efforts to promote collective forest right reform

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao Monday demanded an unswerving drive to promote the reform of collective forest right system to accelerate the development of the forestry industry. Wen made the comments when he met participants of a national forestry conference, which aimed to study the sector's reform and promote the household contract system for collective forest land. The State Council (Cabinet) issued a statement last July that was effective immediately, in which it called for introduction of a household contract system in the management of collective forest land and ownership of wood. The forest right reform is of similar historic significance of the contract responsibility system based on household management, Wen said. China adopted the household contract responsibility system for collective farmland almost three decades ago. According to local practices, the forest right reform worked well to boost farmers' enthusiasm for production, increase their income, promote the development of agriculture and rural economy, and improve the environment, Wen said. He called for efforts to ensure equal access to operating rights among farmers, ensure they benefit from the system and provide more favorable policies and better services to farmers. According to the State Council, production and management of forest land would be entrusted to farmers through 70-year contracts, while the nature of collective ownership remained unchanged. Users of such land could transfer, lease or mortgage the land using rights within the tenure. The government planned to complete the reform in five years and form a sound development mechanism for collective forests based on the reform. More should also be done to protect natural forests, restore farmland to forest and improve the living standard of forest growers.

The reform of collective forest right system operation manual

This book is for the collective forest right system reform and the preparation of the operational manual. Four aspects of books from the collective forest right system reform, on the basis of collective forest right system reform steps, forest change within the industry, work flow and operating essentials, the reform of collective forest right system inspection method of narrative, easy to understand policy forest base, in the implementation process has a unified model of forestry reform, further standardize the collective forest right system has important significance.

Knowledge Graph

1 In 2002, Fujian launched the reform of the collective forest property right system, becoming the first in the country.

2 The document points out that although significant achievements have been made in reforming China's collective forest rights system since 2008, there is a lack of nationwide data on collective forests to protect residents property rights and interests.

3 Survey on the Peasants' Will of Forest Land Transfer in the Reform of Collective Forest Right System - On the Case of 180 Peasant Households in Lishui City of Zhejiang Province