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Cui Kai
Cui Kai is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the associate dean and the chief architect of the China Architecture Design Institute, a national engineering design master, as well as the associate director of the Architectural Society of China. His representative works include the office building of the Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press (FLTRP), Lhasa Railway Station, and New Capital Museum, among which the office building of the FLTRP was selected as the "Top 10 Architectures in 1990s in Beijing".
Cui Kai: Architecture is a Social Responsibility

As a leading figure in the Chinese architectural circle, Cui Kai‘s career life is regarded as an example and benchmark for many young architects to learn from. As one of the first beneficiaries of the restoration of the national college entrance examination after the Cultural Revolution, he graduated with a master’s degree and started to work in a design institute in 1984. In 1997 when he was 40, he was promoted to the Chief Architect of China Architecture Design & Research Group. And, for quite a long period of time, he remained the youngest master engineering designer in China. In 2011, he became an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. His success lies in the many excellent architectural works created with his unremitting efforts, as well as in his down-to-earth attitude and extraordinary perseverance over the past 30 years.Moderation doesn’t mean compromise The personality, environment and personal experiences have always had significant influence on an architect’s creations. The same is true with Cui Kai. He once summarized his architectural views into five sentences, one of which he specially mentions: “To me, architecture is communication: Managers, investors, constructers and users get together and collaborate on the basis of common ground and mutual encouragement.” He believes that the process of architectural creation not only includes aesthetics and culture, it also means communication, a mission and a journey. In his creation process, he always takes all exterior factors into consideration, including the owner’s proposals, investment scale and construction technology, etc., and then adjusts his design scheme accordingly. This down-to-earth attitude greatly differs from those of the emerging architects who clearly place emphasis on individualized designs and cause some of his friends in the industry to kindly remonstrate that his design is too modest and lacks sharpness. However, Cui Kai doesn’t agree with this point of view. Moderation doesn’t mean compromise, and inclusiveness is not equivalent to surrender either. In his opinion, architecture is a socially systematic project but not a personal creation. “In this process, everyone, including decision-makers, investors, constructors and users, realizes part of his or her personal values, so possibilities are created for architecture. It would be too artistic a judgment to say that everyone else should obey someone as he is the only one that can design the building. Architects should listen to and cooperate with others.” “I like it even more to blend in with others and work happily with them, without any quarrelling. Speaking of solving problems, I’d rather adopt better views from others and integrate them into my own. This is a win-win approach. Though some others may regard it as neutralism or opportunism, this is my life attitude. As the world itself is complicated and diversified, there’s no absolute right and wrong in design.” In history, some accomplished architects designed and completed many architectural classics in their life, but some others had only several unfinished architectural schemes. Though it is not a critical criterion to evaluate whether an architect is successful or not by seeing whether he realizes his architectural creations, Cui Kai personally would like to choose to be the former. “It is very fulfilling to go to construction sites and see the buildings grow bit by bit.” Cui Kai is a relatively productive architect who has created many high-profile projects including Beijing Fengzeyuan Hotel, Beijing FLTRP Building, Beijing Desheng Up-town, Number 3 Villa at the Water Fortress of the Great Wall, New Building of the Capital Museum, Beijing Xishan Cultural Creative Base, Chongqing Guotai Arts Center and more. Attracted by his reputation, many clients are streaming to him, stuffing his studio with more than 20 projects in a year, but Cui Kai takes each task as a pleasant enjoyment. “In my nearly 30 year career, memories of architecture are gradually accumulated and enriched. It is hard to say which building is the best. I’ve designed many seemingly influential buildings, but I do think those smaller ones, which are not landmarks, are of equal importance. As a matter of fact, I have feelings for each of them.” He specially mentioned the cafeteria that Cui Kai Studio designed for Houcheng Elementary School in Chicheng County of Hebei Province, which was free of charge. It is a primitive small cafeteria. With limited funds, the design was forced to focus on economical construction and reasonable application and adopt local construction practices and building materials. The façade of the building features small-sized bare concrete blocks, the roof uses the old tiles removed from old local buildings, and the insulation mainly employs soil-straw bricks. “It was not a beautiful structure even when it was completed, but we, along with the teachers and students, remembered each other. These segments are very important in my memory.” Localized design is a my standpoint Since the introduction of modern architectural theory into China, generations of architects have tried to explore the combination of Chinese culture with modern design, in the aim of promoting the revitalization of Chinese architectural design theory. Today, under the influence of globalization, the emerging urbanization of China has shown problems of great similarity and blind worship of foreign experience, making the exploration remain a theory as well as a serious problem that needs an urgent solution. However, Cui Kai thinks outside the box and brings forward his own localized design ideas after sorting out the concepts of regionalization and localization. “Generally speaking, architecture is a regionalized carrier that expresses local culture and natural environment. The difference between regionalization and localization is that one describes the final effect and the other describes the standpoint of the designer. Localized design is not about where you do the design, but where your building is located. Your design must be based upon the local environment, culture and resources.” What makes Cui Kai disappointed is that, in today’s urban environment, many architectural designs don’t take this factor into consideration. Though many young architects know about the basic concept of localization, they lack the experience of interpreting local culture and urban environment. “To me, how to do a design based on local resources and local standpoint is almost a question of principle and even an architectural theory. The essence is whether you love the land and culture or not. I firmly deny economy-oriented practices that should be criticized under all circumstances.”

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追踪文化遗迹 感受古都魅力

大同市博物馆从建筑外形来看十分独特,且寓意深远。整个设计力图通过对异型建筑空间的升腾动态进行典型刻画,建筑造型宛若腾飞的巨龙,昭示着龙城大同,合博大精深之文化,成龙腾虎跃之胜势。中国著名建筑设计大师崔凯先生在设计之初,受到大同自然地貌——大同火山群、龙壁文化和云冈石窟空间演化的文化元素的启发,大胆将这些代表性元素融入设计当中,灵活中不失稳重,传承而不忘创新,作为承载着2000多年历史文化结晶的阵营,再合适不过。 走进博物馆一层大厅,一幅名为北魏贵胄出行图的大型壁画赫然映入眼帘,画面色调淡雅润泽,让整个大厅更显气势磅礴,让观者瞬间对历史肃然起敬。这幅高约15.5米宽约50米的作品,是由中央美院孙景波、王颖生二位教授创作的。内容以大同沙岭村北魏壁画墓“出行图”为蓝本,创作了北魏贵胄出行场面。画中人物服饰以鲜卑服饰为主,与中原的截然不同,但队列秩序、仪仗器物等又依据中原礼制,所以整幅画面是北魏平城时期胡汉融合的产物。 壁画前面是一组铁铸雕塑,取材于北魏宋绍祖墓出土的牛拉鳖甲车,出自中央美院吕品昌教授之手,整组雕塑的厚重感似乎承载了大同这座历史名城的文化积淀。只见牛半睁双目,口微张,后腿弯曲做行走发力状,四蹄分立于长方形底座之上,形象敦实健硕,后边所套的牛车为乘坐之用,车顶似鳖甲,乘坐牛车是北魏官僚和贵族的时尚追求,也是身份和地位的象征。 从大厅明亮的落地窗户向外看去,一组名为胡人牵驼俑的青铜雕塑作品同样吸引眼球。取材于北魏司马金龙墓出土的胡人牵驼俑,亦由中央美院教授吕品昌所作。骆驼昂首曲颈,目视前方,双峰高耸,器物高大雄健,呈站立状,宛若整装待发。牵驼俑为西域胡人,深目高鼻,回首目视后方,左手执腰,右手做牵引状。头戴毡帽,身着窄袖及膝长衣,腰系带,足蹬靴,俨然一副胡人牵驼出行的生动场面,从一个侧面反映了北魏平城与中西亚商贸往来的繁荣景象,是丝绸之路的象征符号。 大同在历史长河中,曾为赵秦名郡、两汉要塞、北魏京华、辽金陪都、明清重镇,有着2300多年的城市发展史和400余年的建都建京史。大同作为历史文化名城,无疑有着诸多历史文化遗迹,这三件大型艺术品虽然并非出土文物,却是大同文化中极具代表性的节点,从融合到发展,再到繁荣,在作品中都体现得淋漓尽致,犹如赋予了艺术品一张伶俐的嘴,来诉说历史,那么将他们看做是镇店之宝,也不足为过。 馆内各类硬件设施完备,现代感十足。不论是基本陈列厅中的展台设计,还是专题厅内的场景布置,无不烘托出简约大方的格调;从楼梯照明到无障碍通道,均为人性化和现代化的完美结合;多功能互动厅和公共服务厅都最大限度地利用空间,省去了外在繁缛的装饰,将内在功能发挥到极致,如此设计理念,值得借鉴。


赵锐勇——“我们一定能在敦煌创造出无愧于时代的文化。” 赵锐勇,长城影视传媒集团董事长、著名作家、编剧。2015年4月,长城影视集团在玉门关外敦煌汉长城找到了自己的“图腾”。“一带一路”战略的历史机遇,敦煌国际文化旅游名城建设的广阔平台,令人叹为观止的敦煌历史文化,让长城影视集团董事会决定,延续敦煌文脉,投资建设体量巨大的丝绸之路文化遗产博览城。赵锐勇在项目开工仪式上明志:“在中国物质、技术空前发展的今天,我们这一代人一定能在敦煌创造出无愧于时代的文化,为敦煌文化融入新的内涵!” 崔凯——“敦煌是我心中的圣地,用建筑语言参与敦煌文化建设是我的荣幸。” 崔凯,中国工程院院士、中国建筑设计研究院副院长、总建筑师。受聘担任敦煌市城市发展专家委员会成员,主持设计了敦煌莫高窟数字展示中心、敦煌博物馆、敦煌市公共文化服务中心等地标性建筑。“到敦煌是抱着对民族优秀文化的学习与崇敬之情”,崔凯坦言:“敦煌是我心中的圣地,用建筑语言参与敦煌文化建设是我的荣幸。” 王新建——“两千年前,汉武帝向西远眺,拓展疆域,经略宏图大业,敦煌,则记录了这一步步实现的生动镜像与最终结果。” 王新建,央视《探索发现》栏目制片人,2015年热播纪录片《河西走廊》总导演。由甘肃省委宣传部和中央电视台科教频道联合出品大型纪录片《河西走廊》,以“河西走廊关乎国家经略”为精神核心,独辟蹊径,用电影方式讲故事,让2000多年来河西走廊上传奇悲壮的历史在壮美的画面中一幕幕上演了。在央视和凤凰卫视同步播出后创下了中国纪录片收视收看新纪录。王新建在传播语中写道:“谨以此片向伟大的西部文明致敬,并以此回望整个民族的辽阔苍生”。 瞿金叶——“兴业敦煌是因为多年来对敦煌文化的挚爱,也是文化企业的担当与责任。” 瞿金叶,未来四方集团董事长。身为土生土长的陇原儿女,瞿金叶对敦煌文化格外青睐。2015年,四方集团成功承办第二届“朝圣敦煌”全国美术作品展,并成为“朝圣敦煌”的长期主办方,开启了纯艺术展览的长期发展探索道路,尝试为文化艺术活动引入更多丰富内容。对于这样的投资行为,瞿金叶表示:“是对敦煌文化的挚爱,也是未来四方集团作为甘肃大型文化企业的社会责任与担当。” 吴小莉——“我对丝绸之路的理解:保持好奇心看细节。” 吴小莉,香港凤凰卫视资讯台副台长兼新闻主播。作为一名优秀的职业新闻人,吴小莉敏锐地捕捉到敦煌正在发生的深刻变化,把凤凰卫视和自己的足迹留在了敦煌。2015年11月19日起,凤凰卫视推出《时代由此划分》吴小莉——时代人物访谈,该节目第一期邀请了著名导演王潮歌一起探讨包括《又见敦煌》的创作。节目中,吴小莉谈及了自己对丝绸之路的很多理解:“即使是熟悉国内这条路段,也要保持一颗好奇心去看很多的细节,看很多的过程,看很多的值得分享的东西。” 赵秀玲——“我们将把敦煌文博园打造成建筑的博览园、精品的荟萃园、文化的大观园。” 赵秀玲,甘肃天赐一秀根石艺术有限公司、敦煌天赐一秀文化发展有限公司董事长。2013年,追随国家“一带一路”战略机遇、怀着对敦煌文化的热爱,赵秀玲及其公司决定投资26亿元建设敦煌文化博览园。这个由12个主题博物馆组成的群落已建成过半,并在2015年担负起了第四届国际文化产业大会暨第八届甘肃省文博会主展馆的大任。赵秀玲的愿望是:“把敦煌文博园打造成建筑的博览园、精品的荟萃园、文化的大观园长存于世。”

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1 The two extremes in the show are represented on one hand by the railway station in Lhasa, Tibet, designed by Cui Kai from the China Architecture Design & Research Group in Beijing.

2 Mr. Cui Kai serves as Deputy President and Chief Architect of China Architecture Design & Research Group.

3 Cui Kai is Academician of the China Academy of Engineering, Chinese master architect, Vice President and Chief Architect of China Architecture Design & Research Group, Standing Councilor of Architectural Society of China and Professor of Tianjin University.