Education >Guidelines and Policies
The Scheme of “Two Basics" in West China
The scheme of “two basics" in West China is a scheme to solve the "two basic" problems in the region as approved and formulated by the State Council, and means that the CPC Central Committee and the State Council will support West China in achieving its goals to basically popularize nine-year compulsory education and basically eliminate illiteracy among young and middle-aged people, so as to improve people's capacities, narrow the gap between the West and the East, and enhance the local economic and social development.
The educational development during the 10th 5-Year Plan

II. The main goals and tasks of educational development during the 11th Five-Year Plan On the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CCCPC), it is proposed that the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and the strategy of strengthening the country by human resources will be unswervingly carried out. It is also proposed that education will be placed on a priority status in the nation’s modernization process. Also on this session, China’s educational reform and development during the 11th 5-Year Plan has been clearly clarified. The Outline for educational development in China during the 11th 5-Year Plan is being drafted and our preliminary ideas are as following. First, under the theoretical guidance of Deng Xiao-ping Theory and Three Represents’, with quality-oriented education as a main theme, we will try to cultivate builders and successors who are fully developed morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically for our socialistic mission. Secondly, with popularization, development and improvement as main tasks, which means to universalize and consolidate compulsory education, vigorously develop vocational education and improve the quality of higher education, we will promote the all-round, coordinated and sustainable development of educational undertakings. Thirdly, with the reform of educational system and mechanism as a main force, we will enhance the dynamics of education and continue to provide educational services which can satisfy the public so as to usher China’s educational reform and development into a new stage The main objectives of educational development for the 11th 5-year Plan are as the following. We will completely popularize the nine-year compulsory education across China and cover 100% of the relevant age groups. We will achieve more development in pre-school education and special education, increase the enrollment rate of senior secondary education to nearly 80%, and fulfill an equivalence in the enrollment of the secondary vocational education and general secondary education. Furthermore, the gross enrollment rate of higher education is expected to reach 25% and vocational training, further education and adult education of various forms will witness more development. The establishment of a learning society will enter into a new era. For the above mentioned purposes, we will try our best in the following aspects. 1. We will fully implement the educational policy of the CPC and the nation, and substantially promote quality education We will continue a student-centered policy to cultivate constructors and successors with full development morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically for our socialistic cause. We will also strengthen the moral education for pupils and college students and to explore the most effective methods to make moral education more purposeful, efficient, attractive and appealing. We will take a correct attitude towards education, and promote the reforms on basic education curriculum, training patterns, teaching contents and teaching methods in order to enhance the quality of education. Additionally, we will adopt measures to reduce the overloaded burden of the students by correcting the wrong attitude which only emphasizes on the attendance rates of graduates to the next stage education. Meanwhile, we will strengthen and improve physical and aesthetical education by encouraging and organizing students to take part in all kinds of productions, social activities, volunteer programmes and rich on-campus activities. We will improve the abilities of teachers to implement quality-oriented education. Moreover, we will reform and improve the examine evaluation system to establish a reasonable evaluation system which is in accordance with the demand of quality-oriented education. In addition, we will actively explore the reform of enrollment system, and strictly implement the policy concerning primary schools entrance (which means that pupils can be exempt from entrance exam, but they must choose schools in vicinity of their home) during the period of compulsory education. We will strengthen the combination of school education, family education and social education in order to call on the whole society to strive together to form a favourable environment for quality-oriented education. 2. We will try to fulfill the tasks of universalizing compulsory education, developing vocational education and improving the quality of higher education so as to promote a balanced and sustainable development of education in China. First, we will universalize and consolidate nine-year compulsory education. In line with the strategy of developing a new socialist countryside and improving the quality of the whole public, education in rural areas, as the priority of all priorities, will be attached great importance. The project of "two basics" (which means to basically universalize 9-Year compulsory education and to basically eradicate illiteracy among the middle and young aged groups) in western area has been actively promoted so that the objectives of this project will be achieved by 2007. We will deepen and improve the reform on the funding guarantee system for rural compulsory education and establish a long-term financial guarantee system for it. In 2006, we will exempt all the tuitions and miscellaneous fees involved in compulsory education in the rural area of western China. In 2007, this policy will be expanded to the central and eastern parts of China. We will further enhance the universalization and quality of compulsory education, strengthen the establishment of teaching cohorts, improve teaching condition in rural schools and establish long-distance education network all over the rural areas, so that all the schools will meet the primary standards on schooling. We will strive to promote a balanced and harmonious development of compulsory education, intensify our efforts to improve poor-conditioned schools in cities and countryside, and to guarantee that each school offering compulsory education will be a good school. Besides, we also will pay more attention to the education of disadvantaged groups and further solve the problems concerning the access to compulsory education of children of migrant peasants and those left at countryside. Secondly, we will strive to develop the vocational education. We will further establish the employment-oriented and service-oriented concept to radically change of thought, model and development of vocational education in order to meet the urgent demand for qualified labors and skillful workers in the process of establishing a well-off society. Vocational schools should base their education on the needs of our society, market and social production and then take diversified training patterns. Vocational education will mainly focus on vocational and practical skills. At the same time, professional ethic education with commitment, honesty and accountability as the core will be also emphasized. We will improve the capacity of vocational education of contributing to the social and economic development. For this, we will implement the “National Training Programme on Skillful Workers”、“Training Programme for Labor Force Transfer from Rural Areas to Urban Areas”、“Training Programme for Application Skills in Rural Areas” and “Training Programme on Further Education and Re-employment Training for Adults”. In terms of the infrastructure of vocational education, we will try to improve the capacity building by implementing the “Programme for Building Vocational Education Training Bases”、“Programme for Developing Vocational Education Centers in Counties”、“Programme for Developing Exemplary Schools in Vocational Education”and “Programme for Improving The Quality of Teachers in Vocational Schools”. With all of these programmes, we will build 2000 vocational education application centers, 1000 vocational education centers in countries, 1000 exemplary secondary vocational schools and 100 exemplary senior vocational schools. In addition, we will further expand the scale of vocational education and promote a balanced development of vocational education and regular education. Thirdly, we will take concrete measures to improve the quality of higher education. We will continue “211 Project” and “985 Scheme”, emphasize on technology innovation, cultivate talents with creativity and completely improve our capacity of self-innovation so that top universities in China will become an important force for the establishment of an innovative nation. We will implement the programs on quality improvement and design a quality evaluation system. We also will deepen the reform of technological and operational systems to explore a positive system which integrates production, learning and research together. Additionally, we originality and integrative innovation will be prioritized to improve the abilities of applied research and of transforming technological results into industrial production. Moreover, we will continue the research of Marxism for the development and the prosperity of humanity and social science in HEIs. 3. We will intensify our efforts to teaching cohort building and to comprehensively improve the quality of teachers In this area, our efforts are mainly as follows. We will strengthen the establishment of a teaching cohort for primary and secondary schools, with an emphasis on rural areas. We will also strengthen the aiding partnership between teachers from cities and countryside while encouraging more university graduates to teach in rural areas. Effective training will be offered to teachers to help them substantially improve their capacity and a new teacher training system with more openness and flexibility will be created as well. In addition, we will reform the criteria of professional access and the payment system of teachers, introduce a new mechanism for the employment of all teachers and improve the incentive mechanism and self-obligation mechanism for teachers. We will prioritise the ethics of teachers when developing the teaching cohort. Furthermore, we will enhance the training of qualified bilingual teachers (Chinese and the ethnic language) for the ethnic minorities and of teachers with two qualifications (qualification in both theory and practice) for vocational schools. With new mechanisms and methods, the teaching cohort for vocational education at various levels will be greatly boosted. In higher education, we will implement the strategy of “developing the institution through human resources”, producing a group of academic masters with international excellence. In addition, we will also produce a large group of middle-aged and young leading academics and a number of groups which can undertake national key tasks and participate in international competitions. 4. We will Deepen educational reform and expand international cooperation The reform on management system will be further deepened. We will consolidate and improve the newly established management mechanism for compulsory education in rural areas, vocational education and higher education. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, schools are given the authority for self-administration. Relations among government, schools and society will be smoothed out and a modern school system will finally take shape. We will promote the reform of running schools so as to develop non-state education and explore new models for educational development, which will then lead to a variety in educational development process. We will also continue to deepen the reform on internal management system and the personnel mechanism of schools. Educational legislation is another part of our efforts. Four existing laws are under amendment, namely Law on Compulsory Education, Education Law, Law on Higher Education, Law on Teachers, while five new laws are under drafting, namely Law on Academic Degrees, Law on Examinations, Law on Schools, Law on Lifelong Learning, and the Law on Educational Input. International cooperation and exchanges in education have been further strengthened. Teaching Chinese as a foreign language in other countries has been accelerated with more “Confucius Institutes” to be established. Meanwhile, steps are being taken to improve relevant regulations and to establish a system for the evaluation of quality of overseas educational services 5. We will improve the management capacity for a healthy educational development We will promote the stipulation of regulations concerning school management with the principles of “rigorous observation of school regulations and development of relevant norms and standards”. We will establish new mechanism for school management, which guarantees effective regulation, management, supervision and thrifty. In addition, we will enhance the capacity building of leading officials and intensify our efforts in corruption prevention by creating a punishment and prevention system which equally emphasizing education, system building and supervision. We will further improve educational auditing, regulate financial management of all educational institutions, especially universities, and ensure the safety of the funds. We also will correct various bad practices for the healthy development of education. 6. We will try to solve the problems of the common concern of the public and promote the openness, fairness and equity in education We will continue the socialist and non-profit nature of education and to try our best to deal with the issues of common interests and ensure that all the people will have an equal access to education. We will further improve the policies and systems for providing financial support to poor students and to increase our aiding efforts so that poor students will complete their courses and studies. An aiding system for high school students, particularly for those in vocational schools will be established. We will also improve the facilitation mechanism for poor students in HEIs with student loans as the main intervention, so that no students will drop out of school because of economic difficulties. We will continue the ‘Sunshine Programme’ in university recruitment to ensure the whole recruitment process will be open, fair and justifiable. Moreover, we will try every endeavour for the employability of university graduates and encourage them to take the jobs at the grass-root level. We will also improve the warning system on safety and the counter-plan for emergencies and catastrophes. Health care and epidemic prevention will also be developed to guarantee the safety, stability and peace of all schools. Finally, we will take effective measures against unreasonable charges in the field of education.

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春风化雨千山绿 黔东南建州60周年教育事业发展成就综述

百年大计,教育为本。理想的教育是春风化雨、润物无声的灵魂唤醒,是一种文化的浸润,无声的熏陶。 中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理李克强2015年春节前视察黔东南的时候,在与大学生座谈时动情地说:要鼓起劲来谋发展,弯下腰来拔穷根,越是贫穷落后的地方,越需要知识的力量,越是要重视教育。 对黔东南而言,发展教育事业至关重要。二十一世纪人才最重要,而人才的成长与教育事业密不可分,大力发展教育事业也是保证黔东南发展人才所需的条件。教育是个基础性事业,它的发展关系到每一个行业,是牵一发而动全身的关键领域,其水平直接决定了未来黔东南州经济社会的发展水平。“经济发展可以保证我们的今天,科技创新可以保证我们的明天,只有教育才能保证我们的后天。” 60年前,由于历史的原因,使得黔东南地区的基础教育事业长期处于十分落后的状态。解放前,全州学龄儿童入学率仅为19%,文盲率高达97.3%,每万人中只有2.7人识字。基础薄弱,投入不足,师资力量不够等因素影响了黔东南地区基础教育事业的发展。 60年来,黔东南州为了兑现“办好人民满意的教育”的承诺,历届党委、政府始终高度重视教育工作,切实把教育放在优先发展的战略地位。认真实施科教兴州战略,锐意改革创新,狠抓工作落实,全州的教育事业改革发展硕果累累,有力推动了经济发展和社会进步。 “软”“硬”兼施 春雨沥沥 办学条件的改善,是民族地区发展教育的基础“硬件”;而教师素质的提升,是民族教育提升质量的核心“软件”。 百年大计,教育为本;教育大计,教师为本。近年来,黔东南州在加大投入改善办学条件的同时,也不断加大了对教师队伍的建设力度。 教育的发展,直接关系着一个地区未来的发展。党的十八大提出要重视和加强民族教育发展,资源配置要向农村地区、贫困地区、民族地区倾斜。 改革开放以来,各级党委、政府的关心如沥沥春雨,滋润着黔东南教育。民族教育逐步迎来投入最多、政策优惠最大、民族地区办学条件改善最明显的时期。中央和地方政府加大投入,实施学前教育三年行动计划、薄弱学校改造等系列重大工程项目,建成了一批教学、生活、活动和卫生设施配套齐全、办学条件基本达标的寄宿制学校,教育信息化覆盖了边远民族地区乡村,优质教育资源初步实现了共建共享……“十二五”时期是黔东南州教育事业发展最快的时期。财政性教育经费支出占国民生产总值的比例达9.8%,远高于全国平均水平;全州教育投入由2010年的33.65亿元增加到2015年的77亿元,年均增加8.67亿元。全州共投入建设资金58.44亿元,用于教育基础设施建设,是“十一五”期间的3.9倍。(下转第三版) 改革开放初期的1981年,全州中小学校舍建筑面积才76.1282万平方米,生均1.5平方米。2015年,全州中小学校舍面积达631.006万平方米,生均校舍面积9.84平方米,并且步入了信息化,全州“校校通”和“班班通”覆盖率分别达68%和76%。“软件”投入上,教师队伍也在不断发展壮大。目前,全州专任教师由建州时的5027人,增加到2015年的47087人。仅“十二五”期间新增教师(不含特岗教师)8400名,新招聘特岗教师5121名,中小学教师学历合格率达98%以上,高校引进84名博士。12名教师成为全省中小学、幼儿园名师工作室主持人,2名校长成为全省名校长工作室主持人。每年组织全州教师参加各级各类培训8000人次以上,不断提升广大教师教书育人水平,为黔东南州教育发展提供强大的智力支持。 无论走到州内哪一座城市,书香四溢、绿色环抱的校园,永远是一道靓丽风景线。它是成长栋梁的乐土,它是放飞理想的摇篮。 “两基”攻坚 共沐春风 2001年,国家实施西部地区“两基”攻坚计划,即基本普及九年义务教育,基本扫除青壮年文盲。同年,全州在锦屏召开“两基”攻坚动员大会,从此“两基”攻坚序幕拉开了。“两基”攻坚给黔东南迎来了教育的春天,全州教育事业发展呈现蒸蒸日上的良好态势,义务教育开启均衡发展新征程。 过去,黔东南州农村小学布局分散,教学点星罗棋布,学校管理薄弱,教学质量不高。为贯彻落实中央提出的“优化教育结构,促进义务教育均衡发展”的要求,2008年,黔东南州在全省率先开展农村寄宿制小学建设试点,找准了突破推进教育公平和义务教育均衡发展的新路子。 以麻江县为例,从2007年以来,该县在实施中小学寄宿制建设上共投入资金3.9亿元。目前,全县有25所中小学完善了寄宿制建设,占全县中小学的86.2%。麻江县寄宿制的成功改革吸引了毗邻的黔南州各县市学生到此求学。孩子们开心地说:“在学校里,我有一种家的感觉。” 目前,全州按“十有”标准建设寄宿制学校493所,小学寄宿率达30.8%,初中寄宿率达72.7%,已在各县(市)农村小学完成寄宿制工程建设。寄宿制学校的创办,减轻了家长的经济负担,提高了教学质量,彻底改变了“同在一片蓝天下,教育好比两重天”的城乡教育失衡现象。“义务教育均衡发展核心在均衡。” 2015年4月2日,在全国县域内义务教育均衡发展新闻发布会上,丹寨县代表贵州省在会上介绍了义务教育均衡发展“丹寨模式”的做法与经验。 中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理刘延东在黔东南考察时强调,农村义务教育均衡发展承载着群众对公平教育和优质教育的双重期盼。各级党委、政府要让所有孩子不仅“有学上”,而且“上好学”。 上好学,就要改善贫困地区义务教育薄弱学校基本办学条件,不让贫困家庭的孩子输在起跑线上。黔东南州切实在提升学生营养改善计划供餐水平上下了大力气,用了真功夫。“十二五”期间,黔东南州学生资助项目实现各类教育阶段全覆盖,资助项目全面增加,资助面全面扩大,资助标准全面提高,全州获得各类学生补助资金和受资助学生分别由2010年的1.18亿元、19.19万人次增加到2015年的8.86亿元、77.70万人次,寄宿制学校困难家庭学生补助实现全覆盖。学生营养午餐以“3+X”、“4+X”方式,真正确保农村孩子“人人有学上、人人上好学”。 教育改革与发展的春风吹拂着苗乡侗寨。2014年,丹寨、麻江两县率先在全省通过国家义务教育基本均衡发展验收;2015年,凯里、天柱、锦屏三县市通过国家义务教育基本均衡发展验收,黔东南州成为贵州省通过国家义务教育基本均衡发展验收县市最多的地区。 砥砺前行 硕果芬芳 “再穷不能穷教育,再苦不能苦孩子”。面对重重困难和挑战,黔东南州迎难而上,在抓学前、小学、初中、高中入学教育工作中,一步一脚印,抓出成绩,抓出成效。 全州各级各类学校(含幼儿园)由1956年的1716所、在校生198427人,发展到2015年的2846 所、在校生860457人。 2008年至2009年,全州幼儿园学前三年入园率仅有44.3%。到2015年,学前三年入园率达87.08%,小学净入学率为99.53%,初中入学率达106.94%,全州义务教育巩固率为93.01%;高中阶段教育毛入学率达86.15%,三残儿童少年入学率为87.38%;全州高等教育毛入学率为31.44%。并于2013年全面超过全省平均水平,与全国平均水平大幅缩小。 高中教育内涵发展也在不断提升。自恢复高考以来,全州先后有9名学子获高考全省文科或理科状元。2015年,全州省级示范性普通高中达15所,在州内省级示范性高中就读的学生占在校生总数的49.23%。仅2006年至2015年十年间,全州有198458名学子被高校录取,迈入大学校门。 职业教育迈上新台阶。黔东南民族职业技术学院,2001年8月创建。“十二五”以来,学校致力于探索有中国特色的高等职业教育办学模式,推动学校从规模发展向内涵发展转变,探索规模与质量相结合的新路子。目前,全日制在校学生由2011年的7562人发展到2015年的16230人,其中专科学生由6977人发展到11391人。全州有中等职业学校31所(其中民办9所),在校生63258人。 高等教育已从精英教育向大众化教育转变,培养人才的能力和水平实现了新的跨越。从1958年8月15日建立的黔东南大学到2006年2月14日,教育部正式下发通知,批准将黔东南民族师范高等专科学校(前身是黔东南大学)改建为凯里学院。黔东南人民百年梦圆,有了自己的本科院校——凯里学院。2015年至2016年度,凯里学院在校学生已达10244人,留学生90余人。 如今,黔东南州被国务院表彰为全国“两基”工作先进地区;成为贵州省通过国家义务教育基本均衡发展验收县市最多的地区;适龄儿童少年全面接受义务教育;幼儿接受学前教育的比例大幅提高……教育基本公共服务均等化水平不断提高,学生公平接受教育的权利得到切实保障,深刻感受到了“同在蓝天下、共沐春风里”的教育温暖。 春风化雨千山绿,桃李满园硕果香。如今,黔东南教育事业的发展,如日中天,正以稳健的步伐,砥砺前行,迈向灿烂的明天。


国务委员陈至立11月15日主持召开国家西部地区“两基”攻坚领导小组会议,听取国家西部地区“两基”攻坚计划完成情况汇报。她强调,“两基”攻坚计划已基本完成,“两基”攻坚成就巨大,我国农村义务教育发展正站在一个新的起点上。要总结经验,巩固成果,再接再厉,推动我国农村义务教育持续健康发展。 2004年西部地区“两基”攻坚计划实施以来,在国务院的统一领导下,经过地方各级政府和各有关部门的共同努力,“两基”攻坚取得了巨大成就,攻坚目标如期实现。一是410个攻坚县中有368个县实现了“两基”目标,其他42个县达到“普六”标准,西部地区“两基”人口覆盖率达到98%。二是中央财政投入100亿元资金实施了“农村寄宿制学校建设工程”,新建、改扩建7651所寄宿制学校,满足了195.3万名新增学生的就学需求和207.3万名新增寄宿生的寄宿需求,有效解决了农村学生“进得来”的问题。 三是从2006年起国家对西部地区农村义务教育学生全部免除学杂费,2007年秋季起全部免费提供国家课程教科书,近50%的寄宿生享受了家庭经济困难寄宿生生活补助,基本解决了农村学生“留得住”的问题。四是中央和地方财政投入110亿元资金实施了“农村中小学现代远程教育工程”,覆盖36万所农村中小学,1亿多中小学生共享优质教育资源。五是实施了农村义务教育阶段学校教师特设岗位计划、城镇教师支援农村教育计划和农村教师远程培训计划等,招聘特岗教师3.3万名,培训农村教师130余万名,西部地区农村教师整体素质逐步提高。 陈至立指出,实施西部地区“两基”攻坚计划是党中央、国务院的重大决策,是落实科学发展观的重要举措,是惠及千家万户的民心工程,是关系国家和民族未来的奠基工程。要认真总结“两基”攻坚在科学规划、保障经费、创新体制机制、精心组织实施等方面的好做法和经验,切实巩固“两基”攻坚成果。对西部地区42个尚未实现“两基”的县,要制定计划,加大支持和指导力度,尽快实现“两基”。 要进一步完善农村义务教育经费保障机制有关政策,提高农村义务教育保障水平和发展水平;采取切实措施加强农村教师队伍建设,不断提高农村教育教学质量

Knowledge Graph

1 The scheme of “two basics" in West China will narrow the gap between eastern and western areas.

2 The scheme of “two basics" in West China helps to enhance China's economic development.

3 The scheme of “two basics" in West China is an important part of China's educational development.